Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x19 — The Nth Degree


Aliens endow Barclay with super-human intelligence.

Remarkable scenes

  • Everyone being courteous to Barclay's poor performance in the opening scene.
  • It's nice to see Barclay's holodiction is still largely unresolved. In fact, we find out later that it never is, as Barclay is a tragic character.
  • Barclay thanking Geordi for inviting him to come on the shuttle mission. It's nice to see the show isn't trying to pretend Barclay has been getting more attention since TNG: Hollow Pursuits.
  • Barclay starting to get funky weird, but brilliant ideas.
  • Picard: "I am willing to entertain suggestions."
  • Barclay enhancing the shields. I love how his personality lost its nervousness and instead he became quirky and weird. So wonderfully acted.
  • Barclay explaining how he enhanced the shields to Riker.
  • Barclay's reformed and stunning acting performance.
  • Barclay making a pass at Troi.
  • Barclay becoming the computer.
  • Barclay humbled in the end.
  • Troi going on the date Barclay offered.


This episode has a great beginning but a dismal ending. It was cool that the Cytherians were benevolent, but we learn next to nothing about them. The "ten days" the Enterprise spends with them all occur off screen! Furthermore, this amazing new propulsion technique that's used isn't retained, for reasons we're not told. Sorry, the mysterious ending cliche just doesn't fly with me. A great episode up until the end.