Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x17 — Night Terrors


The crew is threatened by hallucinations and panic.

Remarkable scenes

  • O'Brien freaking out at Keiko for no good reason.
  • Picard hearing his door chime in his head even though it wasn't there.
  • Picard freaking out in the turbolift.
  • Good continuity with TNG: The Best of Both Worlds with Data's mentioning of their attempted (but failed) technique using the deflector dish as a possible means of escape from this situation.
  • Beverly trying to convince herself that she was hallucinating when all the bodies sat up.
  • People starting to slur their speech.
  • Worf attempting suicide.
  • Troi discovering that emitting hydrogen is the solution.
  • Guinan breaking out her gun.
  • Data becoming acting captain.


Wondeful, we get to watch everyone go insane! And we get to watch Troi have nightmares! By the end of this episode, I was becoming as sleepy as our main characters were. The plot was horribly slow and even repetitive. While the conclusion wasn't obvious per se, it was not all that surprising. O'Brien and Keiko's appearance was a plus, but it does little to improve a rather dismal episode, especially since O'Brien was acting like such a prick. The overall low point had to be the brawl in ten forward, which Guinan handled quite nicely. It was nice to see Data take charge as well, but overall I found this episode somewhat offensive.