Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x15 — First Contact


Riker is badly injured on a first contact mission.

Remarkable scenes

  • The aliens freaking out about Riker's alien physiology.
  • Riker, regarding his fingers: "Yes, isn't that something? My father's were the same way."
  • Picard and Troi beaming into Yale's lab.
  • Yale believing that Picard and Troi are a joke.
  • The mentioning that UFOs in the Malcorian sky were dismissed as weather balloons...
  • Picard sharing the wine his brother gave him in TNG: Family with Durken. A nice detail, because Robert asked Picard not to drink it alone, and Picard kept his promise.
  • Durken: "I will have to say this morning I was the leader of the universe as I knew it. This afternoon I am only a voice in a chorus. But I think it was a good day."
  • Nurse Lanel bribing Riker with escape if he has sex with her. The details aren't clear, but it might be safe to say Riker took her up on that!
  • The alien doctor refusing to do any harm to Riker.
  • Krola attempting to martyr himself, only to be hit with a stun setting.


At first Krola's stuffy conservatism just seemed like stuffy writing. His whole character seemed so ridiculous that even right wingers might find him to be an unfair caricature. But by the end of the episode it's hard not to recognize Krola or aspects of Krola's attitudes in the politics of real world conservatives. This fictitious situation clearly illustrates how much a conservative mindset can hold back the progress of an entire society. A fine episode.