Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x14 — Clues


Data lies to the crew.

Remarkable scenes

  • Guinan on the holodeck, trying to play along.
  • Data using "less obtrusive" methods of contacting Picard.
  • Data carefully persuading everyone to leave the star system.
  • Beverly suspecting Data a liar.
  • Picard getting rid of Data in the briefing room so they can speculate about him.
  • Beverly digging up more evidence against Data using the transporter.
  • Data's "I cannot confirm nor deny that" attitude.
  • Worf: "There are very few people on board who could have broken my wrist. Commander Data is one of those individuals."
  • Troi being possessed and speaking in an eerily flanged bass augmented register.
  • Possessed Troi breaking Worf's wrist.


This episode's premise doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Wouldn't it have been easier to just claim the wormhole knocked everyone unconscious for a day instead of trying to rig the ship to make it appear as only 30 seconds had passed? That way all the "clues" that were left behind would seem to be nothing but a normal consequence of a wormhole knocking you into bio chemical stasis for a day. Of course, then we wouldn't have an episode now would we...