Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x13 — Devil's Due


Picard fights a woman who claims to be the Devil.

Remarkable scenes

  • Data's acting in the beginning.
  • Picard's defiance that Ardra was really the devil.
  • I like the speculation that she might be a Q.
  • Ardra attempting to seduce Picard.
  • Picard: "Just have Mr. Data fetch me in a shuttle. And have him bring along a uniform." Worf: "Did you see uniform?" Picard: "Yes I did!"
  • Data finding a legal loophole in Ardra's claim to the Enterprise.
  • Ardra making the Enterprise disappear.
  • Data overruling Picard.
  • Data: "The advocate will refrain from making her opponent disappear."
  • Picard stealing Ardra's powers.


The Ventaxians look exactly like humans... Anyway, I loved Ardra's character. They picked the a perfect actress for her. This is in every way a successful humor episode, and I enjoyed it. The best part of this episode is its replay value. Watch it a second time and try to guess how Ardra was using holography, forcefields, transporters, tractor beams, and cloaking devices to make all her tricks happen.