Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x12 — The Wounded


A renegade Federation captain must be stopped.

Remarkable scenes

  • O'Brien and Keiko discussing food.
  • first sighting of a Cardassian ship and the ensuing battle.
  • The Cardassians trying to be friendly with an abrasive O'Brien.
  • Picard carefully handling Macet's transponder signal request.
  • O'Brien carefully discussing Cardassians with Keiko, trying to understand, but not wanting to reveal his hate.
  • Data: "It appears to be a Cardassian supply ship." Macet: "How would you know that?" Picard: "We are able to make that determination." I love that enigmatic response...
  • Picard backing down and giving Macet the transponder frequency he asked for.
  • Watching the battle between the Phoenix and the Cardassians on the computer.
  • Picard discussing anger with O'Brien.
  • O'Brien describing the horrors of killing a man to the Cardassian in Ten Forward.
  • O'Brien: "It's not you I hate, Cardassian. I hate what I became, because of you."
  • Macet chastises his officer for breaking into the Enterprise computer. All his arrogance gone; seems he's been completely humbled after seeing his warships destroyed.
  • Seeing the Nebula class starship. Beautiful design.
  • Maxwell justifying his mass murder and Picard's responses of rationality.
  • O'Brien's chat with Maxwell getting him to see reason.
  • Picard digging into Macet about how Maxwell was right all along about the secret buildup.


Including O'Brien and Keiko as major characters in this episode just one episode after their wedding was perfect. It shows us that the writers aren't going to just brush these great characters aside because their 15 minutes of fame are over. That said, this is a major character building episode for O'Brien. We learn tons of great things about O'Brien and we also get a great introduction to the Cardassians and their deceptive and warlike nature. Well done.