Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x11 — Data's Day


Data tries to comprehend human emotions.

Remarkable scenes

  • I like the detail that Data introduced Keiko to O'Brien.
  • Data delivering the "good news" to O'Brien.
  • Data insulting Vulcans in his log.
  • Data experimenting with friendly jives and insults.
  • Worf and Data discussing human weddings.
  • Data asking Crusher to teach him how to dance.
  • I want Data's cat... :(
  • Data trying to make O'Brien feel more comfortable.
  • Data frustrating Keiko.
  • Data's intuition regarding T'Pel.
  • Data's tap dancing lesson.
  • Data confused about why they don't do a lot of tap dancing at weddings and Beverly's response.
  • Data's partner dancing lesson.
  • Data's disturbing smile while dancing. Utterly terrifying. The next time you want to make babies cry, show them a picture of that...
  • Data: "I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause." Beverly: "A wild goose chase?"
  • Picard confronting the Romulans about kidnapping T'Pel.
  • Data's poker analogy.
  • The wedding.


This episode is a major character development episode not for Data, but O'Brien. Unlike many made up on the spot TNG characters, O'Brien and Keiko become important characters in later episodes. Specifically in DS9. Even setting that aside, this is a fantastic Data episode. There is continuity with TNG: The Measure of a Man right in the opening scene, as Data's log entry is addressed to Bruce Maddox, the man who tried to have Data's rights taken away. It seems Data holds no hard feelings for the man, and even wants to aide his cybernetics research! The side plot with T'Pel and the Romulans is interesting and appropriate with but one flaw. What was T'Pel's mission? Overall though, one of the most memorable TNG episodes I've ever seen.