Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x10 — The Loss


Deanna Troi suddenly loses her empathic powers.

Remarkable scenes

  • The opening scene nicely demonstrates Troi's counseling skills.
  • Riker criticizing Data for not calculating the ETA down to the second.
  • Troi realizing her empathic abilities are gone.
  • Troi freaking out at Riker.
  • Troi taking offense to LaForge's comment even though it wasn't directed at her.
  • Troi freaking out at Beverly.
  • Riker accusing Troi of feeling aristocratic about her Betazoid abilities.
  • Guinan picking at Troi about taking her job.
  • Picard ordering Worf to fire at the 2d life forms. He seemed relieved when his attempt to kill them failed.
  • Picard giving Troi a "get your ass in gear" speech.
  • Troi discovering the solution. I enjoyed her "moths fly into flames" analogy. Quite appropriate.


The writers took the Troi suffering cliche to the extreme! But it wasn't so bad. It was interesting seeing Troi lash out at the crew, and the aliens of the week were a nice concept. Still though, the use of a cliche as a plot device is trite. And when Troi got her empathic powers back, we find out that the 2d life forms were intelligent, not idiotic moths. I rather liked them better as simple life forms. It would have matched up better with the fact that they were 2d and less complex.