Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 4

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 4x01 — The Best of Both Worlds, Part II


Riker must use Picard/Locutus to foil the Borg.

Remarkable scenes

  • The deflector pulse firing and the Borg ship shrugging it off.
  • The revelation that the Borg were able to resist because they have all of Picard's knowledge.
  • Riker being promoted to captain of the Enterprise.
  • Riker complimenting and promoting Shelby.
  • Guinan: "When a man his convinced he will die tomorrow, he will probably find a way to make it happen."
  • The Borg annihilating 40 Federation starships and an unspecified number of Klingon warships at Wolf 359.
  • The Enterprise separating its saucer and attacking the Borg.
  • Worf and Data sneaking aboard the Borg ship and retrieving Picard.
  • Picard spouting Borg assimilation propaganda to the people in sickbay.
  • The Borg ship passing Saturn.
  • Data hacking into the Borg Collective via Picard.
  • The Borg ship destroying Utopia Planitia's defenses.
  • Picard regaining his individuality.
  • Data putting the rest of the Borg to sleep.
  • The Borg ship self-destructing.


Why the leisurely stroll through sector 001? A half hour to make it to Earth after dropping out of warp? They didn't seem to think the Enterprise, complete with a captured Borg, was any threat at all. In any case, this episode is definitely a match for the first part's writing quality. The various firefights with the Borg ship and the method the Enterprise uses to gain victory is brilliant. My favorite scene is the final scene. Where Picard reflects silently, genuinely disturbed over the events.