Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 3

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x08 — The Price


Troi falls for a handsome dignitary.

Remarkable scenes

  • Troi's frustration in the opening scene.
  • The Ferengi entrance and subsequent scheming.
  • Picard nominating Riker to become the Federation negotiator.
  • The revelation that Troi's lover is quarter Betazoid.
  • The revelation that the wormhole is not fixed at the exit aperture.
  • The aerobic scene with Dr. Crusher and Troi.
  • The look on the Ferengi's faces when the wormhole moved.
  • Empath guy getting under Riker's skin. First by insulting his negotiating skills, then by insulting his rank, then by gloating about his affair with Troi!


This episode's premise is fascinating. A prospective stable wormhole in neutral space is discovered by a non Federation race and results in a power struggle for control of it by several independent bodies. The Ferengi involvement in this affair for once is in character and enjoyable, albeit still dreadfully idiotic. Troi's love affair was obnoxious. When Troi's lover empath guy defended his use of empathy for business to Troi, his argument was wholly hypocritical. First he said, "Everybody does this, I'm just better at it therefore it's okay." Then he said, "You do it to gain an advantage in situations of life and death. I just do it in business. Therefore you're less ethical." Uh, what? You either believe it's ethical or you don't. Don't go changing your argument on the fly. The sad thing is Troi just took it. Didn't even bother pointing out his hypocrisy. The ending amused me. Finding that the wormhole was neither stable nor were the Ferengi ever to return from the Delta quadrant was apt in many ways. It makes sense that Troi could figure out the foul play based on empath guy's feelings, but making it seem as though she could read the Ferengi was absurd. Overall this episode is one of the better and more memorable TNG installments, but its flaws are numerous and I must strike it down a few points consequently.