Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 3

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x05 — The Bonding


The ship's archeologist is killed.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard's horrified expression when Troi mentioned Aster had a son.
  • Worf's Klingon ceremonies.
  • Picard's speech about his objections to having children aboard ship.
  • I love Riker and Data's conversation regarding the depth of losses depending on who's killed.
  • Worf's reaction to a death under his command.
  • Jeremy's cat, Patches. Such a great name for a cat that looks like that.
  • Man I want a cat as affectionate as Patches.
  • Picard to fake Lt. Aster: "What you're offering him is a memory. Something to cherish, not to live in."
  • Wesley lashing out at Picard and Picard taking it so well.
  • The whole ending was nicely orchestrated and touching.


We get great tidbits regarding Klingon culture in this episode thanks to Worf's reaction to Lt. Aster's death. An energy life form with a guilt trip. I enjoyed the dialog between fake Lt. Aster and Picard regarding the nature of human existence. Consequently thanks to the events, this turns out to be one of the better children centric episodes, and the R'uustai between Jeremy Aster and Worf was appropriate and touching.