Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 3

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x25 — Transfigurations


The Enterprise encounters an incredibly powerful humanoid.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf and Geordi eyeing women in the opening scene.
  • Worf, annoyed at Geordi's and Data's technobabble: "Less talk. More synthehol. We came here to relax."
  • Worf, regarding Geordi finally getting the courage to snag his woman: "I've been tutoring him. He learns quickly."
  • Geordi's newfound confidence.
  • It's nice to see Wesley sporting his new uniform.
  • Superhuman guest guy healing O'Brien.
  • Geordi and Data solving the mystery.
  • Worf's fatal fall.
  • The revelation at the end.


It's nice to have an episode focused nicely around Beverly that isn't surrounded by sorrow. I enjoyed the beginning of this episode quite a bit. A survivor of a terrible accident benefiting from the generosity of a Federation starship. But the stereotypical fascist Zalkonian ship commander, complete with a ship as powerful as the Enterprise annoyed me. I know the Enterprise is at the edge of Federation space and all, but why do we need to make up new aliens every week? Especially ridiculously powerful new aliens? If they were this powerful and this aggressive all the time, why don't we hear about them at all after this episode is over? It could be argued that the Zalkonians are never heard again because our guest shows all his people how to ascend to a higher plane of existence, but that makes it no less lame. A good try, but I found the episode lacking overall. It tries to be something profound yet also attempts to remain inconsequential (as we never hear of the Zalkonians again). Incompatible goals.