Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 3

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x22 — The Most Toys


Data apparently dies in a shuttlecraft explosion.

Remarkable scenes

  • The shuttle explosion at the beginning, with Data presumably aboard.
  • With such concern for the mission, no one had time to mourn for Data. It was obviously painful for them.
  • Data's eccentric captor.
  • Data's Captor's Assistant: "The Andorians wish to make a bid on the shipment of Toulorian spices you offered." Data's captor, frantic: "They had four days to decide! Why do they have to decide right n--" Data's captor, suddenly calm: "All right."
  • Wesley and Geordi mourning Data in Data's quarters.
  • Data weaseling his captor's assistant into sympathy.
  • Geordi refusing to accept Data making pilot error.
  • Worf taking ops.
  • Data's captor dissolving away Data's uniform.
  • Data's passive resistance.
  • Picard's faux pas with Worf.
  • Data finally sitting in the chair.
  • Data's captor killing his wife with the painful-death disruptor.
  • O'Brien beaming away Data just as he was about to kill his captor.


Another Data episode. I liked Data's captor quite a bit. Especially the scene where he goes from rage to acceptance in a split second regarding the Andorian bid. His frantic personality is a flaw in the character but not necessarily the writing. I found the story itself largely enticing and the path Data chose for resistance appropriate. As the story went on, Data's captor got more and more sadistic and the story got more and more interesting. The conclusion leaving us with a mystery regarding whether or not Data would have killed has captor and whether or not Data felt genuine emotion is truly fascinating.