Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 3

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x21 — Hollow Pursuits


Lt. Barclay's Holodeck obsession threatens the ship.

Remarkable scenes

  • The opening scene where Barclay's kicking everyone's ass.
  • Wesley starting the "Broccoli" fad.
  • Picard's resolve toward helping Barclay.
  • Geordi being nice to Barclay after Picard's lecture.
  • Barclay showing up "just about" online.
  • Wesley overwhelming Barclay.
  • Troi, the "Goddess of Empathy."
  • Barlcay finding a lead on the mystery.
  • Picard slipping up and calling Barclay "Broccoli" and Data trying, then aborting his attempt to make Picard feel better about it.
  • Guinan: "The idea of fitting in just repels me."
  • Guinan: "If I felt nobody wanted to be around me, I'd probably be late and nervous too."
  • Geordi walking in on Barclay's holodeck fantasy.
  • Barclay describing his anxiety.
  • Barclay freaking out when first encountering the real Troi then bailing out the first chance he got.
  • Riker, Geordi, and Troi walking in on Barclay's program.
  • Geordi: "Commander, I don't think there's any regulation that--" Riker: "Well there ought to be."
  • Riker meeting his double. Troi and Geordi finding it funny.
  • Troi meeting her double. Riker and Geordi finding it funny.
  • Barclay sleeping in fake Beverly's arms.
  • The Enterprise hurtling toward its own doom. The engineering team trying to make sense of it.
  • Barclay contributing to solving the mystery.


Meet Lt. Barclay. On the holodeck he's arrogant and confident. In the real world he's a nervous wreck. Beneath both personalities he's a genius just waiting for attention. The ending to this episode was highly satisfying. Barclay proves himself under pressure and breaks his holodiction. But saves one of this programs before erasing the rest. So we're left open for more holodiction Barclay episodes in the future...