Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 3

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x19 — Captain's Holiday


Picard's vacation is interrupted by time travelers.

Remarkable scenes

  • Everyone pressuring Picard to take a vacation.
  • Picard annoyed at everything during his visit initially.
  • Picard insulting the Ferengi.
  • The time travelers' appearance and Picard's sudden interest in the mystery.
  • Picard thoroughly enjoying punching the Ferengi.
  • Vash and Picard flirting.
  • Vash's deception to Picard regarding the treasure.
  • History fulfilling itself by Picard destroying the treasure.


Welcome to Risa. The infamous pleasure planet. Vash, Sovak, and the time traveling aliens provided a most entertaining story, though It was all a little too silly. A fairly average episode.