Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 3

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x01 — Evolution


A computer breakdown threatens the ship.

Remarkable scenes

  • The computer malfunctions were amusing.
  • The ship spontaneously playing loud music.
  • The experimenter doctor guy: "A brand new era in astrophysics postponed 196 years on account of rain."
  • Wesley lashing out at his mother when she pounded him to take it easy.
  • Data serving as a conduit for the nanites.
  • Dr. Crusher observing Wesley at the end.


Dr. Crusher's return is refreshing, though I miss Pulaski. I thought Dr. Pulaski was a better character, but they never let her reach her full potential. Experimenter doctor guy's arrogance was annoying at times. Other times it was cool. His interactions with Wesley were especially annoying, but necessary as it served to validate Wesley's concerns about his causing the computer to break down. The nanites becoming intelligent was interesting and it was handled well. My personal favorite little detail is the fact that Wesley was only useful in discovering the problem, not formulating a solution. After all, he is still just a kid. Experimenter doctor guy's confrontation with Counselor Troi was eloquently done as well. But the ending was a little too perfect, rendering the episode largely inconsequential.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x02 — The Ensigns of Command


Data attempts to save a human colony.

Remarkable scenes

  • The string scene at the beginning.
  • Entering Picard: "Are we progressing Mr. LaForge?" Geordi among several failed attempts: "Not like you'd expect, sir." Picard: "Splendid! Splendid! Carry on!" Picard exits.
  • Data using reverse psychology.
  • Data's attack on the colonists.
  • Picard's behavior at the end of the Shelliac negotiations.
  • LaForge at the end of the episode regarding the transporter.


The Sheliac race is a great idea. I only wish we could learn more about them. The colonists on the planet were a bit stereotypical. A malevolent conservative short sighted leader and an offsetting liberal character. The areas the episode is found wanting are made up for in the performances of LaForge, Data, and Picard and the ending was especially humorous and satisfying.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x03 — The Survivors


An elderly couple somehow survives a devastating attack.

Remarkable scenes

  • Riker being caught by the trap and hung upside down.
  • Worf: "May I say your attempt to hold the away team at bay with a non functioning weapon was an act of unmitigated gall." Kevin: "Didn't fool ya, huh?" Worf: "I admire gall."
  • Worf embarrassed about the sudden appearance of the Husnock ship after his declaration of such an event being impossible.
  • Worf: "Good tea. Nice house."
  • Picard arrogantly solving the mystery but questions his resolve privately with Riker.
  • Picard, after beaming up the survivors: "My apologies if I interrupted a waltz."


The Troi suffering scenes are getting old. Thankfully they didn't last too long. Kevin the mass murderer... but a crime of passion! PIcard was right. Kind of hard to pass any kind of judgment on Kevin. Not because we're not qualified though. Because we don't have enough information. I would have preferred less mystery and more exploration of what Kevin really was and especially what the Husnock were all about. All we get his Kevin's word on this. Some mud can also be thrown at this episode regarding the logic behind the attack and alleged colonial resistance. In fact the whole episode seems silly up until the surprise ending, but the logical problems are minor enough to be largely forgiven. Exceptional premise, flawed execution.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x04 — Who Watches The Watchers?


Picard is mistaken for a god-like being.

Remarkable scenes

  • Dr. Crusher mentions Dr. Pulaski's memory erasure technique. Good continuity with season 2.
  • Troi and Riker attempting to free Palmer.
  • Picard's condemnation of religion.
  • Nuria's reaction to Picard's introduction.
  • Picard carefully attempting to convince Nuria that he's not a god.
  • Nuria asking Picard for miracles.
  • Nuria finally "getting it" when she sees Picard is powerless against death.
  • Picard struck with Liko's arrow.


Picard seems a bit cold hearted. "Why didn't you let him die?" Acceptable though because his crew members once again prevailed against his uncaring disposition. I like this episode's concept quite a bit. It represents a pipe dream in the modern world. Oh how great an opportunity it would be to study an ancient civilization like the Romans or Egyptians first hand. Think of how much more we could learn about them! This episode also serves as a firm reinforcement of Trek's anti religious standpoint; another feature of it I enjoyed. The climax of the episode is when Picard asks Liko to shoot him with his bow and arrow. I got the impression that Picard was calling Liko's bluff only to find out that he wasn't bluffing. :) All in all, one of TNG's finer moments.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x05 — The Bonding


The ship's archeologist is killed.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard's horrified expression when Troi mentioned Aster had a son.
  • Worf's Klingon ceremonies.
  • Picard's speech about his objections to having children aboard ship.
  • I love Riker and Data's conversation regarding the depth of losses depending on who's killed.
  • Worf's reaction to a death under his command.
  • Jeremy's cat, Patches. Such a great name for a cat that looks like that.
  • Man I want a cat as affectionate as Patches.
  • Picard to fake Lt. Aster: "What you're offering him is a memory. Something to cherish, not to live in."
  • Wesley lashing out at Picard and Picard taking it so well.
  • The whole ending was nicely orchestrated and touching.


We get great tidbits regarding Klingon culture in this episode thanks to Worf's reaction to Lt. Aster's death. An energy life form with a guilt trip. I enjoyed the dialog between fake Lt. Aster and Picard regarding the nature of human existence. Consequently thanks to the events, this turns out to be one of the better children centric episodes, and the R'uustai between Jeremy Aster and Worf was appropriate and touching.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x06 — Booby Trap


The Enterprise is ensnared in an intergalactic booby trap.

Remarkable scenes

  • Geordi in the opening scene. Ouch!
  • Picard: "The ship in the bottle--oh good lord didn't anybody here build ships in bottles when they were boys?" Worf: "I did not play with toys." Data: "I was never a boy." O'Brien: "I did, sir." Picard: "Thank you, Mr. O'Brien."
  • Guinan is attracted to bald men. Must be why she tends bar on Picard's ship. :)
  • Reactionless Dr. Brahms and Geordi enhancing her personality.
  • Picard taking the helm.


This episode successfully combines humor and danger. Picard taking the helm is thrilling and Geordi's holographic adventure is funny such that this episode comes across as entertaining, but with little beyond that. An enjoyably average episode.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x07 — The Enemy


Geordi is stranded on a storm-ravaged planet.

Remarkable scenes

  • Geordi's escape from the sinkhole.
  • Romulan: "You are my prisoner!" Geordi: "Right. Congratulations. Surely a strategic triumph for the Romulan Empire."
  • Worf's refusal to be a donor to save the Romulan's life.
  • I love Bochra's surprise regarding Geordi's blindness. "Your parents let you live?" he asks regarding being born that way.
  • Riker encouraging Worf to forgive and forget.
  • Bochra learning to work together with LaForge.
  • Picard's proverbial chess match with the Romulan commander.


I absolutely love the opening of this episode. The obnoxiousness of the loudness and flashing is made up for by Geordi being lost to the sinkhole. I felt the same way as Worf did when they beamed up. Worf wanted to go find Geordi at any cost! But Riker stopped him... Moving on, I rather enjoyed all characters in this episode. Including Wesley, which is rare as he's given so few lines most of the time. Geordi of course put on an excellent show. My personal favorite scene with him is when he saves Bochra's life yet Bochra still maintains his mistrust. Conversely, the captured Romulan dies thanks to Worf despite the best efforts of Picard, Riker, and Beverly to convince Worf to drop the hate. Such a great contrast between Geordi trusting his Romulan counterpart, Worf being absolutely bitter with his Romulan counterpart, and Picard being kind of the halfway point with his Romulan counterpart (the commander). The parallels were intended, of course, but that makes them no less great.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x08 — The Price


Troi falls for a handsome dignitary.

Remarkable scenes

  • Troi's frustration in the opening scene.
  • The Ferengi entrance and subsequent scheming.
  • Picard nominating Riker to become the Federation negotiator.
  • The revelation that Troi's lover is quarter Betazoid.
  • The revelation that the wormhole is not fixed at the exit aperture.
  • The aerobic scene with Dr. Crusher and Troi.
  • The look on the Ferengi's faces when the wormhole moved.
  • Empath guy getting under Riker's skin. First by insulting his negotiating skills, then by insulting his rank, then by gloating about his affair with Troi!


This episode's premise is fascinating. A prospective stable wormhole in neutral space is discovered by a non Federation race and results in a power struggle for control of it by several independent bodies. The Ferengi involvement in this affair for once is in character and enjoyable, albeit still dreadfully idiotic. Troi's love affair was obnoxious. When Troi's lover empath guy defended his use of empathy for business to Troi, his argument was wholly hypocritical. First he said, "Everybody does this, I'm just better at it therefore it's okay." Then he said, "You do it to gain an advantage in situations of life and death. I just do it in business. Therefore you're less ethical." Uh, what? You either believe it's ethical or you don't. Don't go changing your argument on the fly. The sad thing is Troi just took it. Didn't even bother pointing out his hypocrisy. The ending amused me. Finding that the wormhole was neither stable nor were the Ferengi ever to return from the Delta quadrant was apt in many ways. It makes sense that Troi could figure out the foul play based on empath guy's feelings, but making it seem as though she could read the Ferengi was absurd. Overall this episode is one of the better and more memorable TNG installments, but its flaws are numerous and I must strike it down a few points consequently.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x09 — The Vengeance Factor


Picard mediates a violent dispute.

Remarkable scenes

  • The away team's fake escape from the ambush by vaporizing the metal alloy into smoke.
  • Worf: "Your ambushes would be more successful if you bathed more often!"
  • The negotiations. Tense but progressive.
  • Riker killing Yuta.


Riker falls in love then finds out his lover is a mass murderer. Texas justice ensues. Nice if that's what you're into, but I found it largely unremarkable, predictable, and dull.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x10 — The Defector


A Romulan defector leads the crew into a deadly face-off.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard and Data on the holodeck. When Picard interrupts, the characters nearly attack him, so Data freezes the program. :)
  • Romulan standoff at the beginning.
  • The closeup of the Romulan scout ship at the beginning. Romulan architecture is so beautiful.
  • The Romulan scout ship exploding beside Picard.
  • The defector and Worf insulting each other.
  • LaForge using figures of speech on Data, confusing him.
  • Picard's tension regarding what to do with the defector.
  • Data attempting to console the Romulan defector.
  • Romulan warships decloaking and attacking the Enterprise.
  • Klingon warships decloaking and outmatching the Romulans.


An exciting Romulan episode. Lots of what Picard called "chess moves". In the end I really felt sorry for the defecting admiral. I enjoyed his final act, a letter to his family. That letter symbolized his belief that one day there would be peace with the Romulan Empire and the Federation. He risked his life hoping to preserve peace and thus his people. Even though he didn't fully trust the Federation at first, he still defected. A solid TNG episode.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x11 — The Hunted


The crew deals with a dangerous prisoner.

Remarkable scenes

  • The prisoner. It took five men to restrain him! Then his personality was totally opposite. I loved how rational he seemed and how eloquent his conversations were with the crew. I also love how everyone wanted to help him but had no means by which to do that.
  • Worf fighting the prisoner.
  • The prisoner's valiant escape.
  • The escaped prisoner: "To survive is not enough. To simply exist is not enough."
  • Picard bailing out of the situation, giving the supersoldiers a chance to reclaim their freedom peacefully.


Another race that looks exactly like humans! Anyway, the idea of creating a supersoldier is terrifying and this episode explores it well. I remember hearing a story once about one of my relatives returning from Vietnam and suddenly having a dual personality. A usually kind and gentle man suddenly and seemingly randomly becomes violent. Likewise to the episode the society of these people decides to ignore the aftermath afflicting their war veterans. But in this episode, it all comes back to haunt society.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x12 — The High Ground


Dr. Crusher is kidnapped by a terrorist group.

Remarkable scenes

  • The doctor's bravery in the beginning.
  • Wesley's resolve toward saving his mother.
  • The concept of the inter dimensional transporter.
  • Beverly's captor does a great job of making himself seem noble.
  • Geordi saving the ship.
  • Picard attacking the intruder.
  • Picard: "You plant bombs in shadows yet you accuse us of cowardice?"
  • Dr. Crusher's captor drawing sexy pictures of her. Disturbing!
  • Riker: "Maybe it ends with one boy putting down his gun."


Another race that looks exactly like humans! This story nicely parallels middle eastern terrorism. The solution to the show's problem is to overpower the terrorists. A basic and bloody though effective solution. The question of whether or not independence is to be granted to those who seek it is largely ignored. As if they deserve no rights. A decent but not perfect episode.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x13 — Déjà Q


Q is condemned to live as a mortal.

Remarkable scenes

  • Q's appearance. John DeLancie is such a great actor.
  • Q: "What must I do to convince you people!" Worf: "Die." Q: "Oh very clever Worf. Eat any good books lately?"
  • Every moment of Q in this episode is great.
  • Q describing sleep.
  • Data to Q regarding his becoming human: "You have achieved in disgrace what I have always aspired to be."
  • Q's solution to the asteroid. "Change the cosmological constant of the universe." Duh...
  • Beverly and Q.
  • Guinan and Q.
  • Data mimicking the term "little trained minions" Q used to describe the crew.
  • Q: "It's difficult to work in groups when you're omnipotent."
  • Data saving Q's life.
  • Q to Data: "If it means anything to you, you're a better human than I."
  • The two Qs.
  • Q's celebration in the end.
  • Data laughing.
  • Q in the end.


A race that doesn't looks exactly like humans! Yay! :) I love the show's initial dilemma. A decaying moon orbit on an alien planet and the Federation steps in to assist. This premise by itself is good, but the added appearance of Q makes it even better. Not only that, but a helpless and powerless Q adds new flavor. This is truly a recipe for what is indeed a great episode with a phenomenal ending.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x14 — A Matter of Perspective


Riker is accused of murder.

Remarkable scenes

  • Data criticizing Picard's painting.
  • The space station explosion was quite surprising.
  • Riker watching curiously as Data enters Picard's ready room.
  • Recreated Riker attempting to rape Mrs. Apgar.
  • Picard and Geordi solving the mystery.
  • The holodeck exploding around them.


Another TNG guest star with a secret. The number one TNG cliche. The holodeck recreations were interesting though. It was fun to see all the different perspectives on the events leading up to Dr. Apgar's death. This is a decent TNG episode though a bit cliched and predictable. A bit sub average, but not by much.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x15 — Yesterday's Enterprise


An Enterprise from the past mysteriously appears.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf laughs at the thought of any human woman not being "too fragile" for him.
  • The transformation from the starship Enterprise into the warship Enterprise.
  • Tasha Yar's appearance.
  • Picard not wanting to be specific of which ship he commanded: "This is Captain Picard of the Federation Starship... er... a Federation Starship!"
  • Guinan's intuitions.
  • The Enterprise D operating on such a nicely superior level of efficiency in the alternate timeline.
  • Likewise I love the retro feel of the Enterprise C.
  • Picard and Guinan arguing over which history is the "correct" history.
  • Guinan freaking out over Yar.
  • Guinan explaining Tasha's death to Yar.
  • I like how the writers gave Yar a better send off in this episode than in Skin of Evil.
  • Picard: "Let's make sure that history never forgets the name. Enterprise."
  • The battle between Enterprise D and the Klingons.


The idea that a ship from the past entering the future and instantly changing history is fascinating. This episode has everything a great Trek episode needs. Excellent continuity, a genuine and interestingly new dilemma, action, and excellent character development. Tasha Yar's guest appearance was wonderfully appropriate and Guinan's involvement in the story was a rare treasure. Truly one of TNG's finest moments.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x16 — The Offspring


Data becomes a father.

Remarkable scenes

  • Data being secretive.
  • Picard's annoyance with Data's undertaking of a project to produce a new android in secret and Data's responses.
  • Wesley: "Data, she could learn a lot by being around children her own age." Data: "She is only two weeks old..."
  • Lal's continual questions, one of which was "why is the sky black?"
  • Lal in the turbolift with Data after the school day.
  • Lal inadvertently insulting Guinan's age.
  • Lal using a contraction.
  • Lal seducing Riker and Data walking in on the situation. Data: "Commander, what are your intentions toward my daughter?"
  • The admiral's disgust with Lal working in Ten Forward. Talk about bad first impressions.
  • The admiral's meeting with Lal.
  • Lal getting scared and seeking out Troi.
  • Data's argument to the admiral supporting his belief that Lal should not be taken away from him.
  • Picard: "There are times, sir, when men of good conscience cannot blindly follow orders."
  • The admiral's change of heart, trying to save Lal's life. I love the way the admiral described Data trying to save Lal's life.


I like the continuity with and similarity of this episode with TNG: The Measure of a Man. Picard mentions that he helped define the rights of androids, and the definition he set ultimately prevailed. What is most remarkable about this episode is that it serves as a very enlightening character piece for Data. You can learn more about Data's motivations, desires, and goals in this episode than virtually any other through the process of creating, teaching, living with, and witnessing the death of a pseudo-loved one. Encased in an emotionless shell on the surface is in fact a very emotionally moving story.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x17 — Sins of the Father


Worf defends his late father.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kurn. Has everybody on edge. He is the very model of a modern Klingon.
  • Kurn patronizing Worf.
  • Kurn: "If it were a Klingon ship, I would have killed you for offering your suggestion."
  • Kurn's reaction to human food.
  • Worf confronting Kurn.
  • Worf confronting the Klingon High Council.
  • Worf: "It is a good day to die, Duras. But the day is not yet over." The first time the classic Klingon phrase "it is a good day to die" was ever used on screen.
  • Picard trying to find a way to clear Worf's name.
  • K'mpec urging Worf to dissolve his challenge.
  • Picard holding his own against Klingon assassins.
  • Kahlest insulting K'mpec's weight.
  • K'mpec: "Kahlest, it is good to see you again." Kahlest: "You are still fat, K'mpec." Kahlest exits...
  • Picard standing up to the chancellor of the Klingon Empire in defense of Worf, knowing that he may be about to start a war...
  • Worf's discommendation.


A soap opera episode and a continuity goldmine. First, we get mention of Riker's experience aboard the Pagh. Then we meet Kurn, son of Mogh. Worf's long lost brother! Then we get to hear about Worf's past and about his father. This is also a milestone TNG episode which will have a serious impact on Worf's character in the coming years. We even get to see the great leader of the Klingon Empire who presumably forged the alliance with the Federation. Marvelous!

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x18 — Allegiance


A replica of Picard replaces him on the Enterprise.

Remarkable scenes

  • Seeing Picard in two places at once.
  • Fake Picard's weird orders.
  • Fake Picard barging in on the Poker match.
  • Fake Picard seducing Beverly then asking her to leave.
  • Fake Picard in ten forward. Jovial and singing... disturbing.
  • Fake Picard turning Riker's argument against him.
  • The crew mutiny.
  • Picard's poetic justice.


This episode is, in a word, cute, as it's driven largely by humor. The ending is a bit rushed, and the aliens are bit moronic for all their advanced technology, but whatever.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x19 — Captain's Holiday


Picard's vacation is interrupted by time travelers.

Remarkable scenes

  • Everyone pressuring Picard to take a vacation.
  • Picard annoyed at everything during his visit initially.
  • Picard insulting the Ferengi.
  • The time travelers' appearance and Picard's sudden interest in the mystery.
  • Picard thoroughly enjoying punching the Ferengi.
  • Vash and Picard flirting.
  • Vash's deception to Picard regarding the treasure.
  • History fulfilling itself by Picard destroying the treasure.


Welcome to Risa. The infamous pleasure planet. Vash, Sovak, and the time traveling aliens provided a most entertaining story, though It was all a little too silly. A fairly average episode.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x20 — Tin Man


The crew faces off against the Romulans.

Remarkable scenes

  • Telepath guy speaking other people's thoughts.
  • Seeing Tin Man.
  • The Romulans decloaking and attacking.
  • Telepath guy working with Data.
  • Tin Man destroying the first Romulan ship.
  • The revelation that Tin Man the last of his species.
  • Picard questioning telepath guy's judgement.
  • The second Romulan encounter.
  • Telepath guy finding peace with Tin Man.


A psychotic telepath prodigy first contact specialist and an organic ship creature pursued by both the Enterprise and the Romulans. A truly fascinating premise by which to begin the episode. Telepath guy so well describes his pain. "Getting it all at once." One can only imagine having one's mind constantly bombarded with other people's thoughts. Seems only natural that adept telepaths might go insane from other people's unchecked thinking. I love the resolution in this episode. Two wayward souls find peace by joining together. One of those truly happy warm and fuzzy endings.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x21 — Hollow Pursuits


Lt. Barclay's Holodeck obsession threatens the ship.

Remarkable scenes

  • The opening scene where Barclay's kicking everyone's ass.
  • Wesley starting the "Broccoli" fad.
  • Picard's resolve toward helping Barclay.
  • Geordi being nice to Barclay after Picard's lecture.
  • Barclay showing up "just about" online.
  • Wesley overwhelming Barclay.
  • Troi, the "Goddess of Empathy."
  • Barlcay finding a lead on the mystery.
  • Picard slipping up and calling Barclay "Broccoli" and Data trying, then aborting his attempt to make Picard feel better about it.
  • Guinan: "The idea of fitting in just repels me."
  • Guinan: "If I felt nobody wanted to be around me, I'd probably be late and nervous too."
  • Geordi walking in on Barclay's holodeck fantasy.
  • Barclay describing his anxiety.
  • Barclay freaking out when first encountering the real Troi then bailing out the first chance he got.
  • Riker, Geordi, and Troi walking in on Barclay's program.
  • Geordi: "Commander, I don't think there's any regulation that--" Riker: "Well there ought to be."
  • Riker meeting his double. Troi and Geordi finding it funny.
  • Troi meeting her double. Riker and Geordi finding it funny.
  • Barclay sleeping in fake Beverly's arms.
  • The Enterprise hurtling toward its own doom. The engineering team trying to make sense of it.
  • Barclay contributing to solving the mystery.


Meet Lt. Barclay. On the holodeck he's arrogant and confident. In the real world he's a nervous wreck. Beneath both personalities he's a genius just waiting for attention. The ending to this episode was highly satisfying. Barclay proves himself under pressure and breaks his holodiction. But saves one of this programs before erasing the rest. So we're left open for more holodiction Barclay episodes in the future...

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x22 — The Most Toys


Data apparently dies in a shuttlecraft explosion.

Remarkable scenes

  • The shuttle explosion at the beginning, with Data presumably aboard.
  • With such concern for the mission, no one had time to mourn for Data. It was obviously painful for them.
  • Data's eccentric captor.
  • Data's Captor's Assistant: "The Andorians wish to make a bid on the shipment of Toulorian spices you offered." Data's captor, frantic: "They had four days to decide! Why do they have to decide right n--" Data's captor, suddenly calm: "All right."
  • Wesley and Geordi mourning Data in Data's quarters.
  • Data weaseling his captor's assistant into sympathy.
  • Geordi refusing to accept Data making pilot error.
  • Worf taking ops.
  • Data's captor dissolving away Data's uniform.
  • Data's passive resistance.
  • Picard's faux pas with Worf.
  • Data finally sitting in the chair.
  • Data's captor killing his wife with the painful-death disruptor.
  • O'Brien beaming away Data just as he was about to kill his captor.


Another Data episode. I liked Data's captor quite a bit. Especially the scene where he goes from rage to acceptance in a split second regarding the Andorian bid. His frantic personality is a flaw in the character but not necessarily the writing. I found the story itself largely enticing and the path Data chose for resistance appropriate. As the story went on, Data's captor got more and more sadistic and the story got more and more interesting. The conclusion leaving us with a mystery regarding whether or not Data would have killed has captor and whether or not Data felt genuine emotion is truly fascinating.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x23 — Sarek


Sarek of Vulcan visits the Enterprise.

Remarkable scenes

  • Sarak freaking out and getting emotional.
  • Geordi and Wesley arguing.
  • Data's string scene with Sarak crying.
  • Beverly freaking out at Wesley.
  • O'Brien starting a brawl.
  • Sarak's vulcan helper admitting Sarak's weakness.
  • Picard and Riker arguing.
  • Picard confronting Sarak.
  • Sarak freaking out in front of Picard.
  • Picard freaking out after the mind meld. Marvelous acting.


An excellent episode from a fanboyish standpoint. We all remember Sarak from TOS/TAS. The chance to see him in his later years is indeed appealing. I for one will never forget Picard's performance venting Sarak's emotions. Truly great acting. Very touching. A fine episode. My only regret is not seeing Spock.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x24 — Menage a Troi


The Ferengi kidnap Counselor Troi and her mother.

Remarkable scenes

  • Lwaxana avoiding the Ferengi.
  • Picard avoiding Lwaxana.
  • Lwaxana continuing to treat Deanna like a child and Deanna finally getting annoyed with it for once.
  • Picard getting Riker back with the shore leave impositions.
  • Betazed. Such a beautiful Federation world. We see so little of it :(
  • Lwaxana called Tog a "demon" as opposed to his Ferengi title "daemon."
  • Tog beaming the women out of their cloths.
  • Riker tricking and angering his Ferengi captor with chess trash talking.
  • Wesley's solution.
  • Picard professing his love for Lwaxana. Sucking at first, doing well later.
  • Picard's bluff.
  • Picard ordering Wesley to set course for Betazed at warp 9 to avoid Lwaxana!
  • Wesley's promotion.


Finally a Ferengi episode where the Ferengi are completely in character. This episode is nice for its cheeky humor and interesting tidbits, but little more.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x25 — Transfigurations


The Enterprise encounters an incredibly powerful humanoid.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf and Geordi eyeing women in the opening scene.
  • Worf, annoyed at Geordi's and Data's technobabble: "Less talk. More synthehol. We came here to relax."
  • Worf, regarding Geordi finally getting the courage to snag his woman: "I've been tutoring him. He learns quickly."
  • Geordi's newfound confidence.
  • It's nice to see Wesley sporting his new uniform.
  • Superhuman guest guy healing O'Brien.
  • Geordi and Data solving the mystery.
  • Worf's fatal fall.
  • The revelation at the end.


It's nice to have an episode focused nicely around Beverly that isn't surrounded by sorrow. I enjoyed the beginning of this episode quite a bit. A survivor of a terrible accident benefiting from the generosity of a Federation starship. But the stereotypical fascist Zalkonian ship commander, complete with a ship as powerful as the Enterprise annoyed me. I know the Enterprise is at the edge of Federation space and all, but why do we need to make up new aliens every week? Especially ridiculously powerful new aliens? If they were this powerful and this aggressive all the time, why don't we hear about them at all after this episode is over? It could be argued that the Zalkonians are never heard again because our guest shows all his people how to ascend to a higher plane of existence, but that makes it no less lame. A good try, but I found the episode lacking overall. It tries to be something profound yet also attempts to remain inconsequential (as we never hear of the Zalkonians again). Incompatible goals.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 3x26 — The Best of Both Worlds, Part I


The Enterprise has a deadly encounter with the Borg.

Remarkable scenes

  • Shelby after Riker's job. Even defeats him at Poker. Something rarely done!
  • Riker trying to figure out why he's still resisting when starfleet offers him ships.
  • The sight and music accompanying the approach of the Borg cube.
  • Shelby's idea to release the Enterprise from the Borg.
  • The Enterprise running and hiding.
  • Picard's capture.
  • Troi striking down Riker's decision to lead an away team.
  • The firefight aboard the Borg cube.
  • Seeing Picard assimilated.
  • Riker ordering Worf to fire on the Borg cube. Truly one of the most badass moments of all Star Trek.


The controversy between Riker and Shelby was annoying. They're facing a major inter stellar war and all Riker can think about is his damn pissing contest with Shelby. I was impressed with Shelby's restraint against Riker's testosterone flaunting though. I was equally pleased with Riker admitting that he admires her. Still though, even after he admits he likes her, he strikes her down for no reason in Engineering regarding her request to continue working with Data and other times as well. That said, this is truly the most captivating, interesting, and exciting episode TNG has done so far. Only minor blemishes.