Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x09 — The Measure of a Man


Picard must defend Data against being disassembled.

Remarkable scenes

  • It's nice to learn more about Picard's past through Louvois. That, and it's nice to get more small tidbits of info regarding Dr. Noonien Soong.
  • Got to point out the beautiful model used on that space station.
  • Data tearing down Maddox' argument (on many occasions in this episode).
  • Data suddenly ripping the gift wrap.
  • Pulaski to Worf in a happy tone: "I couldn't disagree more! We'll save that argument for another day." Regarding the novel gift from Worf.
  • Riker objecting to prosecute Data. The whole adversarial scene is awesome.
  • Riker gets a look of such profound happiness when he realizes that he has a good argument against Data. Then a look of such profound sadness when he realizes that using it may kill his friend.
  • Picard's argument is that much better though.
  • All of the dialog in this episode is articulate and well placed.


At what point does artificial intelligence become "alive" with the same rights and responsibilities as any other "real" person? This is a very high brow science fiction question but in very few places is it examined as eloquently as here. This episode is a TNG classic and one of the best Trek episodes ever written.