Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x08 — A Matter of Honor


Riker serves as first officer on board a Klingon ship.

Remarkable scenes

  • The phaser range match between Riker and Picard is nicely done.
  • I love Picard's sociological curiosity regarding Klingon culture.
  • Klingon ship's first appreances and close ups are impressive.
  • Riker's assertiveness toward the Klingon second officers is fantastic.
  • Klingon Officer: "If Klingon food is too strong for you, then perhaps we can get one of the females to breastfeed you!"
  • All of the dialogue between the Klingons and Riker is articulate and interesting.
  • After demanding Riker give him the weaknesses of the Enterprise and Riker refuses, the Klingon captain says, "if you had told me those secrets about the Enterprise, I would have labeled you a traitor [to your people] and killed you where you stood."


The Benzite was annoying. But the way the crew reacted to him was satisfactory. I liked Worf's reaction to him the best. Beyond that, the whole episode was just thrilling and fun. The Klingons w/Riker gave an excellent showing and thankfully very little screen time was devoted to the dumb Benzite. Unfortunately, as nicely portrayed the Klingons were and some points, they seemed kind of dumb at others. I doubt most sane Klingons would attack a Federation ship at the drop of a hat like that. Not really that serious a problem though seeing as how the rest of the episode establishes so much nice continuity with Klingon culture. A good episode all together.