Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x07 — Unnatural Selection


Pulaski suffers from a disease that induces rapid aging.

Remarkable scenes

  • The crew's horror toward what happened to the Lantree is nicely done.
  • I like Riker's discreet commenting on Pulaski's hatred of the transporter.
  • Data's little smile after Pulaski talks up his computer skills.
  • Picard's interaction with Pulaski's former captain is fantastic.
  • The destruction of the Lantree.


Truly Pulaski's episode, and she deserved one. She interacts so nicely with Picard, Data, and the rest of the cast. It's truly unfortunate though that the problems of this episode drag it down quite a bit. First, we must assume that they've been given special permission to do that genetic engineering, but my assumption doesn't make the problem go away. That stuff is illegal. Second, the way the disease is cured and the problem is solved is highly lame. We're given no acceptable solution. Despite the fact that I like O'Brien's character and I'm glad he got screen time, his lines are mostly nonsensical technobabble resulting in a largely unexplained cure. Moreover, in the tradition of TOS: The Deadly Years, the transporter is used not only for a miracle cure, but a miracle cure for aging! Once again, like in that episode, we must assume that the "aging effect" is not in fact "true" aging and thus the transporter cannot be used to cure "normal" aging. Despite all this, what the episode lacked in continuity and technicality, it made up for in performance and character interactions. If we needed any more evidence that Pulaski is McCoy 2.0, we just got it. ;)