Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x05 — Loud as a Whisper


A deaf mediator communicates through a Chorus.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard so easily dismisses Riker's objections with Picard leading the away team now. :)
  • Riva's overconfident behavior.
  • The death of Riva's chorus. Some neat special effects.
  • The murderer of Riva's chorus being killed by his superior officer.
  • The away team beaming back up to the Enterprise in desperation, leaving the superior officer of Riva's chorus' murderer in horror yelling "we need you!"
  • The pain in Riva's face in the scenes after the death of the chorus and the sympathy of Picard et al is wonderfully done.
  • Picard: "Data, he knows some kind of gestural language. Find out which one and learn it!"
  • I love how Picard tries to reassure Riva that they're all in this together. So sad. :(
  • Data's brief but impressive signing demonstration and Picard's reaction.
  • Geordi considering surgery to fix his vision. I love Pulaski in that scene. "I can fix your vision." Geordi: "What? I was told that was impossible." Pulaski: "I've done it twice." Way to go arrogant Pulaski!
  • The counselor forcing Riva to see the solution.


Another exactly like humans race! Riva's race. Despite this, Riva, his race, and his chorus were fascinating. The tragedy that was the death of his chorus was exciting, sad, and a powerful motivator for the wonderful ending. Also, adding the tiny tiny B plot of Geordi confronting his blindness due to learning of Riva's deafness was appropriate and interesting. It is regrettable that we're not informed of Geordi's decision. We must assume he decided to keep everything as is because nothing became of his visit with Pulaski.