Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x03 — Elementary, Dear Data


Data enjoys a Sherlock Holmes holodeck program.

Remarkable scenes

  • Data "just throwing himself into the part" of Holmes.
  • Data solving the first mystery by memorization and Geordi's reaction.
  • Pulaski eavesdropping in ten forward, then taking the opportunity to bash on Data some more.
  • I love the "odd surge of power" when the computer creates a Data-beating opponent. Foreshadowing maybe? ;)
  • Picard flipping open his top hat startling both Worf and Data.
  • Picard childishly regarding the mugger: "Data, let him go!"


A creative and fun episode with well placed humor. The debate regarding whether or not Data could handle an original mystery is fascinating and I love the verbal competitions between Pulaski and Geordi. The episode falls short however toward the end. When it is discovered that the hologram has become sentient, the entire situation is treated with the utmost lack of interest. As Picard says, the mission of the USS Enterprise is to seek out new life. But in this instance, when new life is discovered on the holodeck, it is treated as an inconvenience rather than a discovery. Moriarty should have received more than a pat on the back only to be forgotten for an unspecified period of time. I think the discovery of sentient holograms warrants a great deal of further study. But instead, Moriarty is casually swept under the rug, so the Enterprise can get back to making "important" discoveries. Indeed, this is not a technical problem but the exposition of a philosophy. Clearly, Picard et al do not see holographic life as to truly be life. This is an interesting position, given their undeniable respect for Data as a life form. Nevertheless, this contradiction, as perfectly realistic as it is for the characters to display, tramples all over the episode for me, reducing much of its potential greatness.