Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x02 — Where Silence Has Lease


The Enterprise is engulfed by a mysterious hole.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf kills stuff like in the opening on the holodeck even more violently every day.
  • I love Worf and Picard's interaction about the probe disappearing. "Recommend we go to Yellow Alert, sir." And Picard saying totally confused: "Why?" Worf's story afterward was great.
  • More insults to Data from Pulaski.
  • Data: "Captain, sensors show nothing out there." Geordi: "Sure is a damn ugly nothing."
  • Pulaski: "Isn't that a bit like curing the disease by killing the patient?" Riker: "It's better than doing nothing." Pulaski: "Why do I get the feeling that now was not the best time to join this ship..."
  • Picard: "Abort auto destruct sequence." Computer: "Riker, William T., do you concur?" Riker: "Yes, Absolutely. I do indeed concur wholeheartedly." Picard: "A simple yes would have sufficed, number one." Riker: "I didn't want there to be any chance of misunderstanding." Picard: "Of course. You have the bridge."


This episode has lots of suspense but just as much confusion at the beginning. Pascal's death was wonderfully acted. One of the better small guests of the series. And where did Wesley go? He was on the bridge but then he gets replaced mid episode by this anomalous Pascal character. Why? I'll tell you why. They needed a redshirt to kill. That's why. Wesley then conveniently retakes his station after redshirt guy dies. I find it distasteful that Pascal's death was not more consequential. Other than that, this episode is interesting, but nevertheless it felt more like the writers were just trying to waste some time. A well done waste of time though.