Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x18 — Up The Long Ladder


Two races fight for survival.

Remarkable scenes

  • Data: "Mariposa. The Spanish word for butterfly." Picard: "Thank you, Data." Data: "I thought it might be significant, sir." Picard: "It doesn't appear to be, Data." Data: "No sir."
  • Data talking to himself whilst Picard is talking to himself and Picard's subsequent interruption.
  • Worf: "Like tea, death is an experience best shared."
  • O'Brien appearance. I love O'Dell's interaction with O'Brien regarding their Irish background.
  • Picard: "I do not own the Enterprise, I command her."
  • O'Dell trying to marry off his daughter to Picard.
  • Worf: "She is very much like a Klingon woman." Regarding O'Dell's daughter.
  • Worf replicating a Klingon drink for O'Dell.
  • Worf: "Madam! Have you ever considered a career in security?!" To O'Dell's daughter.
  • Riker: "One William Riker is unique. Perhaps even special. But 100 Rikers? A thousand? Diminishes me in ways I can't even begin to imagine."
  • Geordi the human lie detector.


Vibrant Irish drunken farmers and incompetent cloners with sex phobia. This episode is, in a word, cute. The humor is effective but the science is not. The episode loses some points for its bad science fiction, but retains quite a few points for being just so damn entertaining in that charming and funny way. O'Dell's daughter alone makes this episode worth at least a few points.