Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x14 — The Icarus Factor


Riker is reunited with his estranged father.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf yelling at Wesley.
  • Data exploring Wesley's curiosity about Worf.
  • Worf to Data: "With... all due respect... BE GONE! ...sir."
  • Pulaski regarding Kyle Riker: "Did he ever tell you why he never remarried?" Riker: "What woman would have him with an ego like that?" Pulaski: "I would have, in a cold minute."
  • Picard "crudely" spelling out Riker's choices to him.
  • Data to O'Brien: "If I were not a consummate professional and an android, I would find this entire procedure insulting."
  • O'Brien: "That's right. The animal's head exploded [literally from the pain]."
  • Troi's discussion of barbarism with Pulaski.


The game Riker played with his father was silly and the resolution of their problems was hastened too much. I also don't like how no real reason was given for Riker's last minute refusal of command. Not that I wanted to see him go, but the whole episode just seemed to end abruptly. I do like, however, how one episode after Riker bitched about his father to Pulaski, there's an episode involving him. I wonder if Pulaski blew the whistle on him. ;) On the other hand, the events leading up to Worf's "celebration" of his right of ascension nicely made up for the silly father/son adversarial plot.