Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x11 — Contagion


The Enterprise computer is infected.

Remarkable scenes

  • The destruction of the Yamato.
  • Captain Varley's logs.
  • Wesley's history lesson regarding the Iconians.
  • Picard: "Now that should not have have happened." Regarding the replicator messing up his tea.
  • Geordi running to the bridge trying to stop the captain from capturing the probe then almost dying in the turbolift.
  • Picard: "Welcome to the bridge, Mr. LaForge."
  • The computer electrocutes LaForge then to save him, Data throws him halfway across the room. I love the facial expression on Data's face when he realizes he used too much force. And I love the short dialog between them afterward.
  • More away team bickering between Riker and Picard. Riker puts up more of a fight, but so does Picard.
  • Riker: "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise."
  • Troi: "In another time or place, this could be funny."
  • Riker: "If it should become necessary to fight, could you find me some rocks to throw at them?"
  • Riker to Taris: "Perhaps we should postpone the war until our more immediate problems are solved."
  • Picard, more or less, "Data, decipher this language. Now." Ah Data, Picard's personal away team laptop.
  • The look on Riker's face when he says to Troi, "You're jumpy," is great.
  • Data's over explanation of how he deciphered the language. Picard, more or less, "Yes, yes, just translate." Poor Data. So under appreciated.
  • Data: "I believe this is manual override." (Giant flash of light opening a gateway.) Data: "That was not manual override."
  • Brent Spiner's acting as a damaged Data was wonderful.
  • Picard has a couple of good "final" lines before his brush with death. "I hope that was not a stutter." Regarding Data. Then "very shortly, anywhere will be preferable to this room."
  • Worf just appearing on the bridge.
  • Data's resurrection and confusion.
  • I love the countdowns in the alien languages (Iconian and Romulan).


This is an exciting episode right from the beginning. Very short into the episode there is fear of a catastrophic design flaw which is milked for all its worth. Then we get an even bigger implication: Iconian technology is destroying the ship accidentally and at the same time must be kept away from the Romulans to keep them from getting a major tactical advantage. Despite heavy politics and heavy tension, the episode bears great archaeological and cultural tidbits. The revelation that the Iconians might not be conquerors and that they were slaughtered by those fearful of them is fascinating. The discussion about it between Picard, Data, and Worf is apt and interesting. This episode very easily could have scored a 10. I take one point off for no follow up and one point off for the "destroy it all now!" attitude. I understand why Picard made that decision, but that Iconian gateway is a wonderful bit of technology that could have been studied in great detail. Picard just blows it up over political fear. Seems reckless. Nevertheless, a wonderful episode.