Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x10 — The Dauphin


Wesley falls for a mysterious young girl.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard: "Mr Worf, have our passengers accommodations met with their approval?" Worf: "I doubt if anything ever meets with that woman's approval... sir."
  • Worf's description of the Klingon mating ritual.
  • Riker seducing Guinan.
  • Anya: "I cannot rely on your primitive technologies! Kill the patient."
  • Worf and Anya coming to blows.
  • Mutual respect gestures from Anya and Worf in the ending.


If you don't find the idea of shape shifters pretending to be human or a love story centered around Wesley very entertaining, then this is most definitely not the episode for you. There are aspects of this episode that are quite entertaining generally, but by and large the episode is quite routine with very little contention and intrigue.