Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 2x01 — The Child


An alien entity impregnates Troi.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf demands Troi's pregnancy terminated!
  • Pulaski insulting Data.
  • Data's interrogation of the counselor as the birthing process begins is hilarious.
  • Pulaski mispronouncing Data's name and then not really caring. Pulaski: "What's the difference?" Data: "One is my name. The other is not."
  • Wesley speculating about Guinan's past.
  • I like the way Picard teases Wesley at the end.


Most people throw more mud at this episode than I do. Maybe I'd hate it more if it didn't introduce so many interesting and cool new things to TNG (see factoids). And Guinan is a damn good counselor. Better than Troi! Funny that she never sought a commission. Oh well. Toss aside the factoids and this episode is somewhat dull and uninteresting. Leaves you with a sense that there should have been more to both plot threads.