Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 1

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 1x15 — 11001001


The Bynars take control of Enterprise.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Bynars working aboard the Enterprise.
  • Worf taking the Parises Squares game so seriously.
  • Riker: "Keep notes. This may be valuable to scholars in the future." Geordi: "Really?" Riker: "Well think about it. A blind man teaching an android how to paint? That's got to be worth something in somebody's book."
  • Riker playing with the settings of the woman on the holodeck.
  • Minuet and Picard talking in French.
  • Data "awaiting inspiration."
  • Picard and Riker valiantly trying to save the ship.


Riker's jazz indulgences along with Picard and Riker being seduced by the holodeck was a bit overused in this episode. And I'd have preferred it if we learned more about the Bynars. Still, this episode is a real action packed and highly interesting thriller. The technobabble at the end is annoying, but the episode is still largely entertaining and, well, just good. The greatness of the episode largely overwhelms its minor flaws.