Star Trek: The Next Generation reviews — season 1

Star Trek: The Next Generation — 1x12 — The Big Goodbye


Picard and crew are trapped on the holodeck.

Filler rating: good filler

While this is the first episode to feature the Dixon Hill holodeck program, watching it is not necessary to understand the context of the program's reuse when it recurs in later episodes.

Remarkable scenes

  • Picard doesn't know what Halloween is.
  • Picard's fascination with holodeck detail, such as the cars and his excited ranting about the experience afterward to his senior staff when they're supposed to be having a briefing about their diplomatic mission.
  • Everyone reacting to the holodeck so carelessly until they realize things are messed up.
  • Beverly swallowing gum.
  • Picard with a cigarette.
  • Data with a lamp not realizing he unplugged it. When it gets plugged back in for him, the look on his face suggests oblivious self-satisfaction and a belief that he fixed it himself. Hah.
  • Picard's last minute performance in insectoid language is fantastic.


Encounter at Farpoint teased us with the promise of a real holodeck adventure someday and we finally get one here. In many ways this episode feels like a mostly successful rehash of TOS: A Piece of the Action, but the holodeck definitely puts a different spin on it. It was certainly intriguing that the characters in the holonovel were capable of becoming aware of their status as fictional characters, or at least their status as existing in a world that is layered atop another world.

But while that stuff was definitely solid, the episode missed a huge opportunity with the alien subplot. The alien of the week was a pretty unique concept and it's a real shame we didn't get to spend more time with them, or even see them. An insectoid alien (finally an alien that doesn't look like humans!) that has a unique language the universal translator can't deal with? Or perhaps the aliens insist that the universal translator be shut off as a weird gesture of respect? That sounds like a great story by itself, but it was totally an afterthought here.

That said, the enthusiasm the characters had for the fun romp they were having was infectious. As such this episode is pretty good fun to watch.