Star Trek: The Animated Series reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Animated Series — 2x06 — The Counter-Clock Incident


A hyper accelerated alien ship drags the Enterprise into a nova and both arrive in an antimatter universe where time flows backwards.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Enterprise crew growing younger.


A universe where time flows backwards is interesting, but the implementation in this episode is extremely poor. There are a number of logical and technical problems, some of the major of which I've documented in the problems section. Most interesting is the ship's crew growing younger, with Robert and Sarah April being given a chance to reprise their positions on the Enterprise. Once again the transporter becomes the miracle cure for an age related problem. Finally, I really don't understand Robert and Sarah April's decision not to remain young. Did they really want to die decades sooner than they had to? A totally unfit end to a series which never really found its way.