Star Trek: The Animated Series reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Animated Series — 2x04 — Albatross


The Enterprise arrives at Dramia I to deliver medical supplies when Dr. McCoy is arrested for mass slaughter and imprisoned.

Remarkable scenes

  • McCoy demanding to stay and stand trial.
  • McCoy: "And I'm ready to get back to some of that monotonous old routine sickbay work." Spock: "Including, I would hope, some of that monotonous old dispensing regular vitamin rations to the crew." McCoy: "What's that supposed to mean?" Spock: "Well, you have been derelicting your duties of late, Doctor." McCoy: "Spock, you know as well as I do what we've all just been through." Spock: "Hippocrates would not have approved of lame excuses, Doctor." McCoy: "Why is that... Jim, whenever I'm in jail again, don't send that Vulcan. Just let me rot."


Demos is exceedingly stupid to expect to be able to sneak aboard the Enterprise unnoticed when the hangar doors mysteriously opened before his eyes for no apparent reason. rolls eyes That said, the general idea that McCoy accidentally caused a plague on an alien world and now must stand trial for it is interesting. As well, I liked the Dramians, in that they were once again truly alien looking aliens. Another nice detail is McCoy's miracle cure. It wasn't quite the unrealistic miracle cure cliche we're familiar with. I liked the realistic, though convenient method by which the cure was discovered and the ensuing peaceful ending.