Star Trek: The Animated Series reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Animated Series — 2x02 — Bem


Starfleet, eager to open diplomatic relations with the medically advanced Pandronians, assigns Enterprise to host one of their representatives.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kirk and Spock being beamed into midair, then falling into the water below.
  • Kirk regarding being captured: "How come we always end up like this?"


This episode is remarkable in that it once again takes full advantage of the show being of an animated nature. It shows us truly alien aliens; first Bem, then the natives on the planet. Unfortunately very little of interest actually happens in this episode. It's basically the familiar "cast beams down to primitive planet and gets captured" plot, adding nothing new except Bem the pacifist, who adds very little of value to the plot. While I liked our truly alien aliens, they were completely misused.