Star Trek: The Animated Series reviews — season 2

Star Trek: The Animated Series — 2x01 — The Pirates of Orion


A dreaded disease, choriocytosis, strikes the Enterprise. All except Spock are cured, as the illness is fatal only to Vulcans.

Remarkable scenes

  • The SS Huron. Cool looking ship.
  • McCoy and Spock arguing about whether or not green Vulcan blood is better than red human blood.


This episode creates good continuity with regards to the reference to Spock's blood being copper based. It's also nice to see the Orions for the first time; or at least their men. We've seen Orion slave girls before. It was also a remarkable treat to see another Federation starship, as well as all the effort the crews of both went through to cure Spock. It's a nice demonstration of the respect the Federation holds for their nonhuman members.