Star Trek: The Animated Series — 1x03 — One of Our Planets is Missing
The Enterprise crew learns that a massive, planet-destroying extragalactic entity has entered Federation space and threatens every planet in the galaxy.
Remarkable scenes
- Arex with lines!
- Our first look at the engines of the Enterprise!
- Kirk: "Am I doing the right thing, Bones? Once I said that man rose above primitiveness by vowing, 'I will not kill today.'"
- Spock's communication and mind meld with the creature.
This episode features a familiar theme. A planet eating monster, similar to TOS: The Immunity Syndrome or TOS: The Domesday Machine. The interesting difference, however, is that a nonviolent solution is achieved. The creature leaves our galaxy and returns to its own. One wonders if it's out eating planets over in Andromeda or something. ;)