Star Trek: The Animated Series reviews — season 1

Star Trek: The Animated Series — 1x02 — Yesteryear


By using the Guardian of Forever, Kirk, Spock, and the historian Erikson explore the planet Orion's past. When they return, there is no record of Spock.

Remarkable scenes

  • Nobody knowing who Spock is.
  • The first officer, an Andorian! Cool.
  • Spock learning of his own death.
  • An Andorian using the Vulcan salute. Surreal...
  • Seeing the planet Vulcan is always remarkable.
  • Sarek's appearance.
  • Seeing Spock's sehlat. They look so cute and harmless in a cartoon unlike Spock's description in TOS: Journey to Babel.
  • Spock talking to Spock.
  • McCoy bemoaning about having to recalibrate his Tricorder to give Spock a physical.


TAS is not considered canon by most people, which I disagree with. However, even among people who firmly believe TAS is not canon, this episode is largely an exception. Mostly because Spock's backstory is established here. The details of which will be confirmed by later live action shows. I take one point off for using the ridiculous Guardian of Forever and the ensuing time travel absurdity. Other than that a wonderful episode. Remarkable alien: the winged bird-like alien, a Federation member.