Star Trek: The Animated Series reviews — season 1

Star Trek: The Animated Series — 1x11 — The Terratin Incident


A strange flash of light paralyzes the entire Enterprise crew and all organic matter begins to shrink.

Remarkable scenes

  • The crew of the Enterise shrinking.
  • The little crew trying to operate the ship's equipment.
  • Sulu breaking his leg by falling from his station on the bridge.
  • Chapel nearly drowning in an aquarium and Kirk saving her using a string like a rope.


This episode is remarkable in the fact that the story could not have been done in the live action series because the special effects wouldn't have been up to the task. Additionally, the science behind the crew shrinking is extremely good, especially by TAS standards. It was fun watching the miniature Enterprise crew struggle to operate the ship's equipment. Only the resolution of the plot was a bit contrived. Once again the transporter is the miracle cure, which is annoying. Even more annoying is Kirk's hesitation in rescuing the Terratins. Overall, a great episode though.