Star Trek: The Animated Series reviews — season 1

Star Trek: The Animated Series — 1x10 — Mudd's Passion


The Enterprise is ordered to find Harry Mudd, a Federation outlaw, who is accused of selling a fake love potion to miners.

Remarkable scenes

  • Spock ruining Mudd's latest scheme.
  • Spock getting emotional and Chapel getting pissed at Mudd for the potion's (supposed) failure.
  • The whole crew being infected by the love potion.
  • McCoy: "If the Enterprise had a heart I'd save her too."
  • Spock: "That is an outstandingly stupid idea!"


And another TOS rehash; this time by bringing back Harry Mudd. Captain Kirk tracks down Harry Mudd to arrest him. Once again, good continuity regarding Nurse Chapel's attraction to Spock is well exploited. Nothing too terribly interesting happens in this episode, though nothing too terribly boring either. It's safe to say it's a fairly average episode, excepting of course for some of the dumb things Nurse Chapel did.