Star Trek: Newest reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Newest — 2x15.1 — Q&A


Ensign Spock's first day aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise doesn't go as planned when he and Number One are unexpectedly stuck together in a turbo lift.

Remarkable scenes

  • Spock: "Have you ever considered that the Prime Directive is not only not ethical, but also illogical and perhaps morally indefensible?"


This coda to Discovery's second season chronicles Spock's first day on the Enterprise, as portrayed by Discovery's visual reboot of the Enterprise. It is notable that this episode takes place prior to TOS: The Cage, making it even more inexcusable for Discovery to have not recreated the recap to TOS: The Cage in its new aesthetics during If Memory Serves. If they have budget to do random codas featuring Spock, Number One, and Pike, then they had budget for that too. Indeed, the issue was never budgetary most likely, but as noted in the review for If Memory Serves, the writers were most likely taken in by the absolute worst kind of selective nostalgia: rebooting visual canon, except for when they're feeling sappy and nostalgic and want to literally reuse old shots in a stupid and jarring way. As for this story, it is mostly unremarkable. It isn't bad. But it isn't that good either. This feels more like the sort of thing you'd find perusing the deleted scenes of a film only to say, "Yeah, I can see why they cut this."