Star Trek VII: Generations review

Star Trek VII: Generations


Captains Kirk and Picard meet in a strange "Nexus" that defies time. Together, they save a planet from destruction.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • A look at the Enterprise B! Now we've seen them all! The first one built by the Federation was commanded by Pike, then Kirk. That one was destroyed, another was built: the A. Then the B, featured in this film. Then the C, featured in TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise. Finally the D in TNG. Of course there are more later, but I love how the writers filled in the gaps for us finally. :)
  • Guinan abord the Enterprise B!
  • Kirk lost saving the Enterprise B.
  • The damage to the Enterprise B was extremely well done.
  • Worf's promotion ceremony. Worf defeats the ceremony's challenge to retrieve the hat, but Riker deletes the plank from the holodeck program and Worf splashes into the water!
  • Data pushing Beverly off the ship to be "funny and spontaneous."
  • Picard receiving the bad news about his family. His brother and nephew have died.
  • Data considering using the emotion chip. Excellent continuity with TNG: Descent.
  • Data, up and about with his new emotion chip. Data enjoys hating the drink because he's never felt true emotion before. Hilarious!
  • Soran: "They say time is the fire in which we burn."
  • Data joking around with Geordi while they investigate the space station then being unable to stop laughing. I'm particularly fond of "Mr. Tricorder."
  • Picard looking through photos of his family and discussing his family along with the tragic loss of his brother and nephew with Troi. Excellent continuity with TNG: Family.
  • The Duras' sisters' appearance. They are recurring characters from many previous TNG/DS9 episodes. They never know when to quit!
  • The scenes in which Soran and Guinan's history are discussed bear nice continuity with TNG: The Best of Both Worlds, and other episodes.
  • Data and Picard in Stellar Cartography.
  • The Klingons using Geordi's visor to spy on the Enterprise.
  • Soran: "Ah, captain. You must think I'm quite the madman." Picard: "The thought had crossed my mind."
  • Riker: "Can you find a way to scan the planet for life forms?" Data: "I would be happy to sir! I just love scanning for life forms!" Data then begins singing and playing a tune with the computer terminal button sounds. Data: "Life forms... you tiny little life forms... you precious little life forms... where are you?" Easily one of the funniest moments in all of Star Trek history.
  • The battle between the Klingon ship and the Enterprise. Spectacular!
  • The destruction of the Klingon ship and the death of the Duras sisters!
  • The destruction of the Enterprise drive section!
  • As the Enterprise hurls toward the planet, Data says: "Oh shit!"
  • The crashing of the Enterprise saucer section!
  • Picard's meeting with Kirk.
  • Kirk to Picard: "I was out saving the galaxy when your grandfather was in diapers!"
  • Picard killing Soran.
  • Kirk's death. His final words: "It was... fun... oh my..."
  • Troi discovering Data's cat Spot, still alive.
  • Picard: "Somehow I doubt this will be the last ship to carry the name Enterprise."


This is a very special film. It is very epic, for we have big things happening! The convergence of two timelines that span a century, the destruction of stars, the destruction of a beloved ship; The Enterprise D, and the death of a beloved character; James Kirk. Soran was a great villain because his goals were realistic. He wasn't a madman, just a bit unscrupulous and greedy. The film is extremely intelligently written, using Guinan's longevity appropriately and giving us some more much needed backstory on her people and giving us an appropriate tie in between Kirk and Picard's time all at the same time! The highlights of the movie are extensive, but probably the best part is the acting throughout the movie is fantastic, particularly in Picard's scenes regarding the loss of his family, later with Kirk, and finally the loss of his ship, along with Data's emotional scenes. The two characters spend very little time with one another, but the issues they each face are nicely paralleled throughout the film. Another highlight is the special effects. It's nice to see the Enterprise D rendered in such high quality. Even the Enterprise B looked pretty badass. And needless to say, Enterprise D's death was spectacular. Another nice detail is the film is filled with fantastic continuity with tons of other episodes, far, far too many to list, but much, much appreciated. One important one: Data's emotion chip is finally activated, tying up a loose end of the TNG series. Many people bash this film as a terrible way to kill off Kirk, but I disagree. Kirk agreed to leave the Nexus to help Picard so that he could "make a difference" one last time. Many ask why Picard and Kirk didn't return to a not so crucial time so as to save the Enterprise and in fact Kirk's life. Well, neither Picard nor Kirk knew what happened to the Enterprise. And I think Kirk wanted to die. The Nexus wasn't real, and he knew he'd be a man out of time after he assisted Picard. While the logical flaws do abound, I think Kirk deliberately chose the moment they went to and he deliberately died an honorable man, saving Picard's life. That said, this film is exiting clear up to the end with the Enterprise's destruction and Kirk's heroic death. The film is a fantastic send-off for both TOS and the Enterprise D and one of the best films in Star Trek history.