Star Trek III: The Search for Spock review

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock


Spock, who had died saving the Enterprise from Khan's wrath, is found alive on the Genesis planet where his body was sent to rest.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kirk: "Mr. Scott, have you always multiplied your repair estimates by a factor of 4?" Scotty: "Certainly, sir. How else can I keep my reputation as a miracle worker?"
  • Our first sight of a Klingon Bird of Prey!
  • The Klingon Bird of Prey firing on the ship it just bought its information from.
  • Sarek's appearance.
  • Seeing no Spock in his coffin.
  • Kirk: "The answer is no. I am therefore going anyway."
  • McCoy acting like Spock in the bar.
  • McCoy arguing with his "backwards friend."
  • McCoy: "I'll discuss what I like. And who in the hell are you?" Morrow: "Could I offer you a ride home Dr. McCoy?" McCoy: "Where's the logic in offering me a ride home you idiot? If I wanted a ride home would I be trying to charter a space flight."
  • McCoy trying to Vulcan neck pinch Morrow.
  • Kirk and crew's operation to steal the Enterprise.
  • Scotty to the Excelsior computer: "Up your shaft."
  • Uhura's handling of "Mr. Adventure".
  • Scotty sabotaging the transwarp drive of the Excelsior.
  • Kirk: "I should recommend you all for a promotion! In whatever fleet we end up serving..."
  • The Klingon commander executing his gunner for destroying the science ship.
  • The revelation that Genesis is a fundamentally flawed concept.
  • Saavik mentioning that Spock will undergo the Pon Farr. Good continuity there.
  • The Enterprise battling the Klingon Bird of Prey.
  • The Klingons killing Kirk's son.
  • Kirk: "You Klingon bastard, you killed my son!"
  • The destruction of the Enterprise.
  • Kirk: "My god Bones. What the hell have I done?"
  • Kirk extending a hand of friendship to the Klingon commander only to have him grab his leg and try to take Kirk with him to his death. Kirk kicks his face in and lets the Klingon die. Awesome.
  • Kirk stealing the Klingon Bird of Prey.
  • Scotty, Chekov, and Sulu trying to figure out Klingon technology.


This film makes up for many of the failings of its predecessor by swiftly stepping over its faulty premise: "The Search for Spock" was over largely within the opening moments of the film. They found his mind and his "soul" in short order. Instead, the film is a quest to reunite them, not find anything. Indeed, this film does not insult its audience by pretending the events of the last film were anything else but obvious setup for this one and we're well on our way to rescuing Spock in short order, guns blazing. In addition to that, I quite enjoyed the beginnings of the story arc that this film establishes. Never before on Star Trek has one story led into the next, except of course for the anomalous two part episode The Menagerie. Perhaps inspired by the Star Wars trilogy, indeed this film would seem to be the equivalent of "The Empire Strikes Back" and Wrath of Khan the equivalent of "A New Hope." In keeping with this analogy, there is quite a bit more darkness in this film. Instead of Kirk unrealistically trivializing and dodging death like in Star Trek II, he's forced to confront it head on. Not only must he face the death of his ship, but his son as well. He sacrifices two very important things in his life to get back another in a truly selfless act. Beyond this, there are a few little aesthetic details which enhance this film immensely. The Federation regards Genesis as a failure for its inability to create stable planets. The Klingons, however, regard Genesis as an incredible success for its viability as a weapon and covet its power. The resulting political fallout is fascinating and helps alleviate some of my concerns in the previous film of the device's contrivance. In addition, despite my hatred of retconning actors with new ones, the new Saavik is better acted. Overall, I feel that Star Trek III is highly underrated and easily the best film of the entire original series lineup.