Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x08 — Awakening


Archer and T'Pol encounter the Syrrannites, a radical group hiding in the Vulcan desert, while the NX-01 crew contends with Vulcan power ploys.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer having visions of Surak and the Vulcan wars.
  • T'Pau mind melding with Archer.
  • Soval: "I lived on Earth for more than 30 years, Commander. In that time I developed an affinity for your world and its people." Trip: "You did a pretty good job of hiding it." Soval: "Thank you."
  • Archer regarding T'Pol's "logical" explanation of what Archer is going through: "So I'm suffering from a mind meld hangover?"
  • Archer undergoing the katra transfer ritual.
  • Surak: "Logic has not won this day. But this day won't last forever."
  • Surak instructing Archer to find the Kir'Shara.
  • The Enterprise shuttle battling the Vulcan shuttles.
  • Archer upon waking up after the katra ceremony: "I feel like I just pulled by head out of a plasma relay."
  • Trip: "How many warning shots to Vulcans usually fire?" Soval: "None."
  • Vulcan ships attacking Enterprise.
  • Vulcan ships destroying the sanctuary.
  • Soval revealing that Vulcan is planning to attack Andoria.


Another excellent episode picking up where the last one left off. It's revealed in this episode exactly what the purpose of V'Las' behavior is. He wants to attack Andoria because he believes they're building a weapon of mass destruction based on Xindi technology, a good connection with Ent: Proving Ground. V'Las and his followers have been suppressing the Syrranites for years because of their pacifist beliefs. V'Las wants to wipe them out because having a group of pacifists around doesn't help when you're preparing to go to war. You can see that V'Las is losing control of the situation as he begins to rely on aggressive tactics more and more, culminating to when he attacked Enterprise and threatened to destroy it. Even some of his cabinet are beginning to question his actions. The episode ends with a nice plot twist in the end with Trip ordering Enterprise to Andoria to warn them of the preemptive strike, leaving Archer and T'Pol back on Vulcan.