Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x05 — Cold Station 12


Arik Soong leads his band of Augments to a medical facility where hundreds of genetically enhanced embryos are still stored, intending to retrieve them and bring them to life.

Remarkable scenes

  • Finally seeing Dr. Lucas!
  • Soong torturing the doctors on Cold Station 12.
  • Archer: "Why are you so surprised? Whenever a group of people start believing they're better than everyone else, the results are always the same."
  • Enterprise battling the Klingon bird of prey.
  • Archer's fight with Malik.
  • Malik murdering Smike.
  • Dr. Soong and the augments escaping.


Ent: Cold Station 12 is another good episode moving on with the augments arc. It would seem Dr. Soong is losing control of his "children." Malik seems all too willing to use violence, which in a way is a deficiency of the plot, but it also contributes well to the theme that Soong's repeating the mistakes of history. Brent Spiner continues to fascinatingly and skillfully play Arik Soong. I only wonder why Enterprise is doing such a poor job catching the augments. Two episodes in a row now they've failed to capture the augments because they keep getting overpowered. Maybe this is a sign that Enterprise should call for some help? Maybe from the Vulcans?