Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x03 — Home


Once the NX-01 finally returns to Earth, the weary crewmen face repercussions of their journeys, both positive and negative.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer: "I've been told that people are calling us heroes. When it comes to my crew, you won't get any argument from me."
  • Archer freaking out at Soval for his questions about the events of Ent: Impulse.
  • Archer: "Things have changed since Enterprise left spacedock. You spend a lot of your time boldly going into battle."
  • Phlox' blow up face trick.
  • The joke references to the kalifee from TOS: Amok Time when T'Pol first met with Kos were nicely placed.
  • T'Pol and Trip visiting the Fire Plains of Vulcan.
  • Archer and T'Pol making up.
  • The Vulcan dignitary performing the marriage ceremony. He used the exact same words as T'Pau did in TOS: Amok Time.


Somehow I expected this episode to be just as good as TNG: Family, but it fell short on several levels. There are three plot threads in this episode, one dealing with Archer and his difficulty in accepting hero worship, another dealt with T'Pol and Trip and their relationship, and another dealt with xenophobia on Earth. There is nice continuity all throughout the episode such as that with Ent: The Andorian Incident and Ent: Shadows of P'Jem regarding T'Les and her forced retirement which makes it pleasant to watch and a nice change of pace, but this episode left me with a feeling of inadequacy. More time should be spent on Earth exploring these and other issues, but unfortunately we're not going to get it. Archer was the most interesting character in the episode, with all his self doubt and anger. It was also nice to see more of Vulcan, even if the scope was still somewhat limited. Finally, the xenophobia on Earth is definitely something that wasn't sufficiently elaborated, but a nice idea. Ent: Home is merely a nice idea for an episode incomplete at best. Each plot threat cannibalized the others until none were sufficiently developed. This episode could have easily been a two parter. Or some of the plot threads could have been saved for later episodes. Less time spent on things like Archer dreaming of fighting Xindi reptilians which was totally inappropriate and more time spent on developing the plot threads would have made for a better episode.