Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x01 — Storm Front, Part I


Archer and the NX-01 find themselves in Earth's past, with events of World War II altered by the Temporal Cold War.

Remarkable scenes

  • German Soldier: "Americans are good at making movies. They're not so good at fighting."
  • Trip: "I was just all set to get home... I wasn't expecting to be in the middle of another... situation." Preach on, brother!
  • Daniels showing up in Enterprise's sickbay.
  • Alicia: "Patch on your ship says Enterprise! You musta made it off before it sank!"
  • The sight of a conquered White House with Nazi flags draped over it.
  • Silik's appearance.
  • Trip's fight with Silik.
  • Archer confronting the alien Nazi.
  • Trip and Reed destroying a shuttlepod.
  • Archer and Alicia beaming to Enterprise.


Well I must say that I was more impressed with this episode than I originally thought I would be. Maybe it's the new showrunner, Manny Coto, making the best of the dismal cliffhanger Rick Berman and Brannon Braga left him. I get the feeling Coto wants to wrap up the whole Temporal Cold War thing right here and do it with style. Yes, he's being forced to use alien Nazis, and yes the Xindi conflict is still left with loose ends, but at least this episode is presented in a convincing and mostly intelligent fashion. Ever since TOS: The City On The Edge of Forever, I've been fascinated with the idea of time travel being used to alter Earth's history, making WWII end a different way. We get to see the effects of such an alteration first hand with the Nazis having conquered Europe, Africa, and large portions of North America. They were able to do this thanks to help from a future alien species, a faction in the Temporal Cold War. Their motives remain a mystery, other than the obvious notion that a totalitarian government dominating Earth would drastically reshape future politics.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x02 — Storm Front, Part II


With Silik's help, Archer hones in on the temporal operative who altered Earth's past and threatens to destroy all of time.

Remarkable scenes

  • The teaser. Hilarious!
  • Alicia regarding the transporter: "How does that thing work anyway? ...on second thought I'd rather not know."
  • Silik masquerading as Trip.
  • Silik helping Enterprise.
  • Silik as a human!
  • Silik bickering with Carmine.
  • Silik taking out several Nazi officers.
  • Silik being shot!
  • Trip thinking Archer is Silik.
  • The upgraded German dive bombers.
  • Daniels saying goodbye to Archer, declaring the Temporal Cold War over.


And so the Temporal Cold War is over. Ent: Storm Front wasn't the best two parter, but consistent with Star Trek's lackluster season finales and premieres of late. I gave Ent: Storm Front, Part II extra points because the Temporal Cold War and hopefully all of Time Trek has finally been put to rest. I also gave the episode a higher mark due to Silik's involvement. I was really sad that they killed off Silik. I was really beginning to like him as a character, but the Temporal Cold War was just the wrong direction for the series and killing off the Temporal Cold War means putting Silik out of the picture. I'm sure the new direction the show is taking is due to the new showrunner, Manny Coto. One can only hope he finally kickstarts the Earth-Romulan wars and the conflict with the Klingons.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x03 — Home


Once the NX-01 finally returns to Earth, the weary crewmen face repercussions of their journeys, both positive and negative.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer: "I've been told that people are calling us heroes. When it comes to my crew, you won't get any argument from me."
  • Archer freaking out at Soval for his questions about the events of Ent: Impulse.
  • Archer: "Things have changed since Enterprise left spacedock. You spend a lot of your time boldly going into battle."
  • Phlox' blow up face trick.
  • The joke references to the kalifee from TOS: Amok Time when T'Pol first met with Kos were nicely placed.
  • T'Pol and Trip visiting the Fire Plains of Vulcan.
  • Archer and T'Pol making up.
  • The Vulcan dignitary performing the marriage ceremony. He used the exact same words as T'Pau did in TOS: Amok Time.


Somehow I expected this episode to be just as good as TNG: Family, but it fell short on several levels. There are three plot threads in this episode, one dealing with Archer and his difficulty in accepting hero worship, another dealt with T'Pol and Trip and their relationship, and another dealt with xenophobia on Earth. There is nice continuity all throughout the episode such as that with Ent: The Andorian Incident and Ent: Shadows of P'Jem regarding T'Les and her forced retirement which makes it pleasant to watch and a nice change of pace, but this episode left me with a feeling of inadequacy. More time should be spent on Earth exploring these and other issues, but unfortunately we're not going to get it. Archer was the most interesting character in the episode, with all his self doubt and anger. It was also nice to see more of Vulcan, even if the scope was still somewhat limited. Finally, the xenophobia on Earth is definitely something that wasn't sufficiently elaborated, but a nice idea. Ent: Home is merely a nice idea for an episode incomplete at best. Each plot threat cannibalized the others until none were sufficiently developed. This episode could have easily been a two parter. Or some of the plot threads could have been saved for later episodes. Less time spent on things like Archer dreaming of fighting Xindi reptilians which was totally inappropriate and more time spent on developing the plot threads would have made for a better episode.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x04 — Borderland


When genetic supermen left over from the Eugenics Wars hijack a Klingon ship, Archer must rely on their creator, the criminal Dr. Arik Soong, to help hunt them down.

Remarkable scenes

  • The augments attacking the Klingon bird of prey.
  • Archer meeting with Arik Soong.
  • "Jonathan Archer. What brings you here? They naming the prison after you?"
  • Enterprise's relaunch.
  • The Orions attacking Enterprise.
  • T'Pol being auctioned off at the slave market.
  • An Orion female being auctioned off at the slave market. The first time we've seen one since TOS: The Cage!
  • Archer and Soong invading the Orion slave market freeing all the slaves.
  • Soong using the (Klingon?) painstick to disable the transponder that Enterprise was using to track him.
  • Archer's clever recapture of Soong.
  • The augments saving Enterprise from the Orions.


I am still annoyed that Enterprise is ignoring its loose threads, such as the Xindi, the Temporal Cold War, Earth's response to the Xindi crisis, and Earth's xenophobia, but I think we can safely assume some things. The Xindi are probably reorganizing their government and probably looking for a new homeworld. Now that their guardians are gone, they probably don't want to attack Earth anymore. Still, it would have been nice to get a post Xindi-arc Xindi cameo to canonize the armistice. We can also safely assume that the Temporal Cold War is over and we'll never see more of it. Can't say that bothers me very much other than the fact that it made very little sense. We can only hope that these loose threads are tied up later. But for now, Enterprise has finally become relevant. What we were shown here in Ent: Borderland is the first real material convincing me of the reasons for a long term conflict with the Klingons. From their perspective, a group of humans stole a Klingon bird of prey and that's all the reason they need to go to war with Earth. There's also quite a bit of foreshadowing in this episode indicating that that may very well happen. Using the augments for this purpose was an extremely clever idea and getting Brent Spiner to play his own ancestor was an equally terrific move. The main plot is a wonderful connection to both TOS and TNG; what marvelously clever writing. I think here Manny Coto is finally flexing his showrunning muscles, as Ent: Borderland was a great way to start a story arc with the augments and the Klingons whilst giving us some fascinating insight into the much speculated about Orion syndicate at the same time. Nicely done.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x05 — Cold Station 12


Arik Soong leads his band of Augments to a medical facility where hundreds of genetically enhanced embryos are still stored, intending to retrieve them and bring them to life.

Remarkable scenes

  • Finally seeing Dr. Lucas!
  • Soong torturing the doctors on Cold Station 12.
  • Archer: "Why are you so surprised? Whenever a group of people start believing they're better than everyone else, the results are always the same."
  • Enterprise battling the Klingon bird of prey.
  • Archer's fight with Malik.
  • Malik murdering Smike.
  • Dr. Soong and the augments escaping.


Ent: Cold Station 12 is another good episode moving on with the augments arc. It would seem Dr. Soong is losing control of his "children." Malik seems all too willing to use violence, which in a way is a deficiency of the plot, but it also contributes well to the theme that Soong's repeating the mistakes of history. Brent Spiner continues to fascinatingly and skillfully play Arik Soong. I only wonder why Enterprise is doing such a poor job catching the augments. Two episodes in a row now they've failed to capture the augments because they keep getting overpowered. Maybe this is a sign that Enterprise should call for some help? Maybe from the Vulcans?

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x06 — The Augments


In defiance of their "father," Arik Soong's Augments devise a heinous plot against the Klingons which will surely lead to interstellar war.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer's decompression beam out trick. I was surprised by the realism.
  • T'Pol: "I wasn't aware the doctor discharged you." Archer: "He didn't. What's our status?" T'Pol: "Holding position near the Klingon border." Archer takes his seat. Poor Phlox... always getting ignored. ;)
  • Enterprise engaging the Klingon bird of prey.
  • Soong dumping the Denobulan shuttle in into the gas giant.
  • Archer pretending to be a Klingon captain, bluffing to the other Klingon captain.
  • Soong running back to Archer in a Klingon escape pod.
  • Archer: "Superior ability breeds superior ambition. One of their creators wrote that. He was murdered by an augment."
  • Soong: "How long can we sustain warp 5?" Trip: "As long as the captain wants it. Or until we blow up, whichever comes first."
  • Enterprise using the grappler as a weapon on the D5 battle cruiser's warp nacelle.
  • Enterprise destroying the bio weapon and engaging the Klingon battle cruiser.
  • Soong: "I've been thinking... perfecting humanity may not be possible. Cybernetics... artificial life forms. " Archer: "Goodbye, doctor." Soong: "I doubt I'll finish the work myself. Might take a generation or two."


This is the best of the three augments episodes. Firstly, there was marvelous continuity. Soong wanted to take his "children" into the Briar patch, which was the setting of Star Trek IX: Insurrection. The scene when Malik dumps the Denobulan doctor and her shuttle into the gas giant is a nice parallel to Eddington's similar move in DS9: For the Uniform. The scene when Malik crawls around on the floor of the bird of prey is also a cute reference to a Star Trek film, in this case Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in which Khan did the same thing on the Reliant. Finally, Arik Soong at the end of this episode declares that he's now going to study cybernetics and that his work will take generations to complete. Maybe it was tacky, but I liked it. Unfortunately, the episode like the previous two fell short of being profound. Here it was a real missed opportunity. The biggest problem for which I subtract one point is that Malik never succeeded in releasing the bio weapon against the Klingons. Oh how perfect it would have been if he had! Now we'd have a legitimate reason for the Klingons to go to war with Earth. Not that murder and attempted murder of loads of Klingons doesn't work, but it would have been much more believable if Malik had been successful. Additionally, the scene when Malik returns from the dead to try and kill Soong was just petty, forced, and totally contrived. For that I subtract another point. But overall, the arc was pretty nice and it was thoroughly enjoyable.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x07 — The Forge


Earth's embassy on Vulcan is bombed, and the ensuing investigation puts Archer and T'Pol on the trail of a Vulcan religious faction hiding in a treacherous desert.

Remarkable scenes

  • Soval and Forrest discussing Vulcan's relationship with humanity.
  • Soval: "We had our wars Admiral, just as Humans did. Our planet was devastated, our civilisation nearly destroyed. Logic saved us, but it took almost 1,500 years for us to rebuild our world and travel to the stars. You Humans did the same in less than a century. There are those on the high command who wonder what Humans would achieve in the century to come. And they don't like the answer."
  • Phlox... the natural at basketball.
  • Reed and Travis discovering another bomb in the Earth embassy on Vulcan.
  • Soval vouching his support for Archer beginning his own investigation.
  • Trip referring to the Forge, a Vulcan desert, as a "hell hole."
  • T'Pol: "Over the centuries his followers made copies of his teachings." Archer: "Let me guess, With the originals lost whatever's left is open to interpretation." T'Pol: "You find this amusing?" Archer: "I find it familiar."
  • Archer and T'Pol being chased by a sehlat.
  • T'Pol regarding domesticated sehlats: "They're smaller, slightly." Archer: "How slightly?" T'Pol: "You have Porthos." Archer: "Porthos doesn't try and eat me when I'm late with his dinner." T'Pol: "Vulcan children are never late with their sehlat's dinner." Archer: "I can believe that."
  • Archer regarding the sehlats: "Sounds like that Klingon opera that Hoshi made us listen to."
  • T'Pol telling Archer about her lack of need for water for several more days and about her inner eyelid, a nice connection with TOS: Operation: Annihilate. I like her little quote, justifying these physical qualities... "My species evolved on this planet." As if to say, why didn't you know these things about us?
  • Arev: "What is Kiri-kin-tha's first law of metaphysics?" Archer: "I'm familiar with Newton's first law of motion. I imagine they're pretty much the same!"
  • Soval performing a mind meld on the comatose witness to the bomber.
  • Arev giving Archer Surak's katra.
  • Archer finding the Syrranites.


This episode is the culmination of the odd Vulcan behavior arc that Enterprise started and never went anywhere with since the pilot. The new showrunner, Manny Coto has become the loose thread man. We learn in this episode that the root of the "evil Vulcan syndrome" is not just a conservative vs. liberal societal clash like we were led to believe in episodes like Ent: Fusion and Ent: Stigma, but in fact has more to do with the Vulcan religion centered around Surak (which is somewhat similar to Buddhism) and the two different interpretations of it. This nicely parallels human history and serves as a marvelous explanation for the behavior of the Vulcans over the last few seasons. The bombing of the Earth embassy on Vulcan and the handling of the situation couldn't have been more perfect. The tragic loss of Admiral Forrest brings out the true loyalties in Soval, and we finally get to see the guy stand up for what he believes in, performing a mind meld against the High Command's wishes. It can be inferred that sometime between now and TOS that the Syrranites will prevail over the Vulcan High Command--this may perhaps have something to do with why the Federation is formed--for all Vulcans will believe as Arev and T'Pau do. In fact, we know T'Pau from the previous Star Trek episode TOS: Amok Time. She performed Spock's wedding ceremony and was a respected figure at that time. (And very old!) Indeed, this episode is a continuity gold mine. Firstly, when Archer received Surak's katra from Arev, Arev spoke the same words Spock did to McCoy in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan... he said "remember," albeit, in Vulcan. We also get to see a sehlat for the first time since TAS: Yesteryear. We get another mention of the Vulcan inner eyelid that was first revealed by Spock in TOS: Operation: Annihilate. We get to see the T'Karath Sanctuary again, which was last featured in TNG: Gambit, Part II. A Surakian artifact was discovered there 12 years prior to this episode. This detail is fascinating seeing as how it was stated in the TNG episode that one of the last conflicts of the Vulcan civil war was fought there. A marvelous site for the discovery in this episode. Finally, the two questions that Ariv asked Archer regarding Vulcan philosophy were taken directly from the questions that Spock was asked by the Vulcan computer in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home during his re-education. Obviously, Manny Coto has done his homework. Bravo.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x08 — Awakening


Archer and T'Pol encounter the Syrrannites, a radical group hiding in the Vulcan desert, while the NX-01 crew contends with Vulcan power ploys.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer having visions of Surak and the Vulcan wars.
  • T'Pau mind melding with Archer.
  • Soval: "I lived on Earth for more than 30 years, Commander. In that time I developed an affinity for your world and its people." Trip: "You did a pretty good job of hiding it." Soval: "Thank you."
  • Archer regarding T'Pol's "logical" explanation of what Archer is going through: "So I'm suffering from a mind meld hangover?"
  • Archer undergoing the katra transfer ritual.
  • Surak: "Logic has not won this day. But this day won't last forever."
  • Surak instructing Archer to find the Kir'Shara.
  • The Enterprise shuttle battling the Vulcan shuttles.
  • Archer upon waking up after the katra ceremony: "I feel like I just pulled by head out of a plasma relay."
  • Trip: "How many warning shots to Vulcans usually fire?" Soval: "None."
  • Vulcan ships attacking Enterprise.
  • Vulcan ships destroying the sanctuary.
  • Soval revealing that Vulcan is planning to attack Andoria.


Another excellent episode picking up where the last one left off. It's revealed in this episode exactly what the purpose of V'Las' behavior is. He wants to attack Andoria because he believes they're building a weapon of mass destruction based on Xindi technology, a good connection with Ent: Proving Ground. V'Las and his followers have been suppressing the Syrranites for years because of their pacifist beliefs. V'Las wants to wipe them out because having a group of pacifists around doesn't help when you're preparing to go to war. You can see that V'Las is losing control of the situation as he begins to rely on aggressive tactics more and more, culminating to when he attacked Enterprise and threatened to destroy it. Even some of his cabinet are beginning to question his actions. The episode ends with a nice plot twist in the end with Trip ordering Enterprise to Andoria to warn them of the preemptive strike, leaving Archer and T'Pol back on Vulcan.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x09 — Kir'Shara


Archer, T'Pol and T'Pau attempt to bring the Kir'Shara (an artifact believed to contain Surak's original writings) to the Vulcan capital, as the NX-01 gets involved in a Vulcan-Andorian military clash.

Remarkable scenes

  • Soval meeting with Shran.
  • T'Pau curing T'Pol of her Pa'nar syndrome!
  • Shran torturing Soval.
  • Soval: "I'll tear the antennae from your skull!"
  • Soval: "Do you know the story of Nurak?" Shran: "What?" Soval: "He was a soldier who lived a long time ago. He was standing watch over the gates of the city of Gaul. He saw a cloud on the horizon moving toward him. He thought it was a sandstorm, so he told no one. It was an army. They destroyed the city. But they let Nurak live. His name now means fool in our language! Just as yours will in Andorian!"
  • Archer fighting the Vulcan soldiers.
  • T'Pol lying to the Vulcan soldiers cover Archer's tracks.
  • Archer Vulcan neck pinching somebody!
  • The Vulcans, Andorians, and Enterprise doing battle.
  • Archer presenting the Kir'Shara to the Vulcan high command.
  • The revelation that V'Las was working with the Romulans.


Another good episode, but not quite as good as the previous two. Most of the lesser rating stems from the fact that the plot had no major turning points or plot twists other than the ending, which chillingly reminded me of Ent: Zero Hour, except without the alien Nazi silliness. What this episode did do is wrap up several plot threads nicely. T'Pol was cured of her Pa'nar syndrome (Ent: Stigma); it seems the syndrome is actually caused by poorly trained mind melders and the Vulcan high command suppressed the true nature of the syndrome to try and kill off Syrranites and other deviants. T'Pol's marriage was dissolved (Ent: Breaking the Ice, Ent: Home), V'Las was removed from power, and since the leader of the Vulcan high command was a Romulan, or at least a Romulan collaborator, his removal signifies the end of "evil Vulcan syndrome." The ending to the mini arc was satisfactory regarding all things, delivering some nice action and excellent continuity in the process. The Romulan revelation at the end is probably the most interesting detail of the plot, but since it's a cliffhanger, there's not much to discuss about it except for the fact that it seems that the writers are going to continue to honor TOS and never show Romulans onscreen, which pleases me. I'm also pleased that this may be the precursor to the Earth Romulan wars, though I'm not sure how.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x10 — Daedalus


The inventor of the transporter, Emory Erickson, comes aboard Enterprise for a risky experiment.

Remarkable scenes

  • Erickson discussing the old metaphysical debate about whether or not someone was the same person or just some weird copy after going through the transporter.
  • Erickson discussing the original transporter, going through it, and getting drunk with Zefram Cochrane.
  • Trip questioning Archer's decision to help Erickson, despite his deception.
  • Trip: "The transporter can't do that!" Erickson: "I built the damn thing!"
  • Erickson beaming in Quinn despite the fact that he knew he'd die just so he could save him one last time.
  • Erickson: "Why settle for making myself miserable when I can spread the misery around to an entire class of students?"


A decent, though fairly average episode. The plot is rehashed from episodes like DS9: The Visitor, Voy: Jetrel, and Voy: Year of Hell in all of which a character struggles to bring someone back to life. It was a nice idea to bring the inventor of the transporter aboard for an experiment, but I was annoyed that he used deceit and subterfuge to hide his true motives. I would have preferred honesty from the beginning so the plot could focus on something more interesting. The metaphysical discussion about whether a person was still the same person and not some "weird copy" would have been a more interesting topic to cover. The plot to save Erickson's son gains some extra points though thanks to the wonderful acting by all those involved, especially Bill Cobbs as Erickson. He did a marvelous job and really brought a dull episode to life. I would have liked to see him again. One thing I noticed was several long scenes with no musical score. It stuck out to me like a sore thumb, much to the episode's disadvantage. Overall, a decent attempt.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x11 — Observer Effect


Noncorporeal aliens study the Enterprise crew as they respond to a fatal viral infection brought on board from an away mission.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Chess scene between possessed Reed and Travis in the teaser.
  • Trip: "I remember Exobiology 101, Captain. Humans are carbon based. Our immune system can't fight silicon."
  • The Organians revealing themselves to Phlox after he discovered Trip's and Hoshi's anomalous behavior.
  • Archer and Phlox desperately trying to save Trip's and Hoshi's life.
  • Hoshi and Trip dying.
  • The Organians inhabiting Trip and Hoshi and talking to Archer.
  • Archer: "Maybe you've evolved into beings with abilities I can't comprehend. But you've paid a hell of a price. You've lost compassion and empathy. Things that give life meaning. If that's what it takes to be advanced, I don't want any part of it."
  • Archer: "If you want to know what it means to be Human, you need to do more than observe."


This episode was, of course, a bottle show. No guest stars and no special effects other than stock footage. There's no fighting and no weapons fired. Not even the Organians entering and leaving people's bodies is animated. Instead of all this eye candy, we get marvelous performances from all actors involved. Another nice detail was the portrayal of the Organians themselves. All throughout the episode we're given the impression that they're vastly superior to corporeal species in every way. Not in a cheesy direct manner either. Subtle things, like the Chess scene at the beginning or the way they so easily manipulate corporeal bodies were all we needed. All of this put a marvelously different spin on the episode, telling us the story from the Organian perspective. The audience is just as detached as the the observing Organians. What annoys me about this episode is that the Organians shouldn't have been used as the aliens here, as it fouls up continuity with TOS: Errand of Mercy. It could be argued that the Organians went through a radical behavioral change in just 100 years, but given their absurd time frames to exact any kind of change and their radically different behavior in the TOS episode, this doesn't seem likely. A better choice would have been Q. No, seriously. Q, or a group of Q could have easily filled in this role and used the same memory wiping trick. We know how quickly their opinions on things can change. We could have even gotten a cheesy line at the end from Q about visiting in 200 years to see how far humanity has progressed, kind of like the line Arik Soong made about wanting to study Cybernetics at the end of Ent: The Augments. In the end, this was a marvelously well played episode, but for the blunder regarding the Organians, I must strike points.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x12 — Babel One


Enterprise journeys to Babel with a Tellarite ambassador on board for peace talks with the Andorians, when a distress call from Shran is received.

Remarkable scenes

  • Hoshi and Archer pretending to argue.
  • Archer to Gral: "You people are even uglier than I remember."
  • Gral: "I've heard this ship is the pride of Starfleet. I find it small, and unimpressive." Archer: "Funny, I was about to say the same thing about you."
  • Archer insulting Trip, tricking him.
  • Shran and Gral getting into a fight.
  • The revelation that the mystery attack ship was in fact Romulan.
  • The Romulan ship suddenly coming to life.
  • Reed regarding the alien life support system: "With our luck, they probably breathe fluorine!"
  • Reed: "There's no rule that says the bridge has to be on the top of the ship!"
  • Talas being shot.
  • The zoom out at the end when its revealed that the ship was being controlled from Romulus.


And season 4 continues to deliver the prequel we've been waiting for. This episode expands on the Romulan aspect of the show, showing us once again that in their early days, they tried to manipulate galactic politics from afar, rather than attempt to directly participate. Again, this is perfect for continuity, because Spock said no one had ever seen a Romulan prior to TOS: Balance of Terror. I also liked the nice reference to Babel, which was also the site of a conference in TOS: Journey to Babel. Bringing back the Andorians; especially Shran, and the Tellarites was a perfect development. Daniels once told Archer that Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites were the initial members of the Federation. And T'Pol told Archer that the Romulans probably fear an alliance between these parties. What they fear is the Federation itself. I wouldn't be surprised if the Earth-Romulan wars were a direct attempt by the Romulans to disrupt the founding of the Federation in 2161, which is six years from this episode and plenty of time to wage such a conflict. The Romulan ship itself was fascinating. Controlling a ship remotely could have several advantages, but many disadvantages as well. If these are the types of ships that will be used during the Earth-Romulan wars, I can see how a stalemate might be possible. Earth might even find a way to jam the transmitters so those ships can no longer receive instructions. That could be why the Romulans eventually abandon the design. There was only one thing that annoyed me... I wish we'd got to see a little bit more of that ship. I want to know how it works and why they designed it like that. It's fascinating. Okay, I was wrong, there was one other thing that annoyed me. Did anyone else catch that Travis was interrupted in the middle of one of his lines? First they give him barely anything to say, now they're not even letting him finish sentences! ;) Anyway, this episode was marvelous, and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x13 — United


Archer tries to unify the Andorians, Tellarites and Vulcans in a plan to capture a marauder ship threatening to destabilize the region.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer getting the Andorians and Tellarites to work together.
  • Reed saving Trip from the Romulans.
  • Reed blowing up a power conduit disabling the Romulan link to the drone ship.
  • Archer taking
  • Reed: "You're good at building things, I'm good at blowing them up."
  • Travis and Hoshi looking for a loophole.
  • Archer receiving fighting advice from Hoshi, Gral, and Phlox.
  • Archer's fight with Shran.
  • Archer cutting off one of Shran's antennae!
  • Enterprise battling the drone ship.
  • The drone ship performing some crazy maneuvers.
  • Trip and Reed diving out of the drone ship so they can be beamed aboard.
  • Alliance ships arriving to continue the battle against the drone ship.
  • Enterprise rescuing Trip and Reed.
  • Trip pulling Reed's leg. Trip's taking out what Archer did to him in Ent: Babel One on Reed. ;)
  • The sight of Shran and Gral making up in the end and the joint fleet.


This episode is one of the best ones shown yet on Enterprise, and certainly one of the most memorable. It's fairly obvious that this episode is supposed to serve as a precursor to the alliance that humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites will one day form as the founding members of the Federation and it was done well here. What I liked most was the fight between Archer and Shran. I was thoroughly convinced one of them would die and was pleasantly surprised when Travis and Hoshi found a way for that not to happen. Additionally, I was glad to see Travis and Hoshi play a real role in the story for once as well. Archer cutting off Shran's antenna is of course an homage to TOS: Journey to Babel in which we saw the antenna of a fake Andorian break off, which was nicely clever. The whole incident served as marvelous character development for Shran and Archer. I really like the relationship those two have forged. Besides that, Trip's and Reed's escape from the Romulan drone ship was extremely exciting to watch. I loved how they just dived into space like that, and finally the special effects depicting the arrival and departure of some of the alliance ships were just spectacular. Ent: United is showing us a pattern of writing not present in seasons 1-3. Manny Coto is taking this show exactly where it needs to go, but too little too late. Maybe if we could have had Coto as the showrunner from the beginning, Enterprise would have more than 4 seasons. Season 4 has been excellent so far, but it's too little, too late.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x14 — The Aenar


Archer visits Shran's icy homeworld to find an Andorian subspecies called the Aenar, to determine their connection to the marauder destroying ships in the region.

Remarkable scenes

  • Shran revealing the existence of the Aenar to Archer.
  • The sight of Andoria... beautiful.
  • Archer and Shran visiting the Aenar compound.
  • Shran being impaled by a stalagmite.
  • The sight of the Aenar city.
  • Enterprise battling the Romulan drones.
  • The two Romulan drones attacking each other.
  • Trip declaring he's going to leave Enterprise.


This episode was a bit of a let down compared to the previous two, but charming in its own light. The biggest problem was that the Romulan plot was totally exhausted at this point and probably shouldn't have continued. With the writing a bit more careful in Ent: Babel One and Ent: United, they could have been a simple two parter instead of a 3 episode mini arc. The Aenar themselves however were totally fascinating. Rarely is a new alien species presented so well on Enterprise. I was also fascinated to see that Andoria is actually a moon of a ringed gas giant. It's nice to see this kind of planetary diversity every once in a while. The Aenar themselves were convincing as recluses and pacifists. Their makeup and acting was superb all throughout. If there were another suitable reason to feature them again, I'd love to see more of the Aenar. I'm curious to know if they're still around after the Federation was formed. Trip leaving the ship in the ending brought an anticlimactic moment to an otherwise decent episode. I'm wondering why the writers are dragging out the T'Ppl / Trip relationship thing. It's starting to become tiresome. I mean, obviously, Trip is not leaving the ship permanently. This is Star Trek Enterprise. Not Star Trek Enterprise + Columbia. Maybe that sounds cruel, but that's how it is. Trip will be back. So the ending, albeit a surprise, was a let down.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x15 — Affliction


While Enterprise visits Earth for the launch of Columbia, Phlox is kidnapped and forced to help the Klingons deal with a grave threat toward their species.

Remarkable scenes

  • T'Pol performing a mind meld on Hoshi with Archer's guidance.
  • T'Pol and Trip meeting in a communal daydream.
  • The Klingon General shooting the patient. Awesome. :)
  • The revelation that the Klingon disease was actually caused by messing around with Augment DNA.
  • Hoshi describing dreaming of Trip the same way T'Pol was.
  • Reed to Archer: "There are some obligations that go beyond my loyalty to you and this crew."
  • Phlox suggesting the Klingons should have abducted Dr. Soong and the Klingons responding with "we tried, he was under heavy guard." :)
  • The launch of the Columbia.


Ah, the infamous Klingon Forehead Problem. This is probably the most amusing continuity-centered episode ever done. Before I begin my review, let me briefly outline the Klingon Forehead Problem. In TOS, Klingons head no facial makeup, other than some interesting haircuts and a darker complexion. They had no cranial ridges. In the TOS films, Gene Roddenberry did an about face on this and made the Klingons look more alien. He claimed that's how he always wanted them to look, but TOS lacked the budget. A reasonable explanation. And it fell through with DS9 when TOS era Klingons made their cameos. They had full ridged Klingon makeup. But in DS9: Trials and Tribble-ations, the equivalent of an atomic bomb was dropped on Roddenberry's argument. Now don't get me wrong, that episode was a wonderful homage to TOS. But when Bashir et al noticed the difference between the Klingons of TOS and Worf and started speculating as to the reasons why this could have happened and Worf just cryptically responded with "we don't talk about it," it made canonical this Klingon Forehead Problem. An explanation was demanded and none was ever given. Then Enterprise as a series further aggravated the issue by depicting pre-TOS Klingons with ridges! Well, Manny Coto hates loose ends and here we are with Ent: Affliction. The solution to the Klingon Forehead Problem. The Klingons during the late Enterprise era began experimenting with human Augment DNA. The result? A ridgeless, TOS style Klingon. Now, there are still questions to be answered. How far does this plague spread? Why is every Klingon we see in TOS ridgeless? Why is every Klingon we see post TOS ridged? I have my own theories, but I'll wait to postulate them until the second part has aired. My only comment regarding this is wow, Coto has lots of bravery to attempt this. He's trying to correct the biggest continuity error in Star Trek history! That's no small feat. The episode itself was fairly by the book. Trip's emotional problems didn't interest me very much, but I was kind of glad that it gave us a chance to see the Columbia. T'Pol and Hoshi were given a decent showing as well; I loved the mind meld scene. I'm not sure Reed's conflict with Archer was such a good idea. The idea to bring Section 31 to Enterprise is acceptable from a continuity standpoint, but given the limited time left on Enterprise thanks to that asinine cancellation, introducing new complex long term plot threads seems ill advised. Probably the best part about the episode though was Phlox working with the Klingons. They were in character all throughout and I thus found the episode sufficiently convincing. I am impressed with Coto's audaciousness!

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x16 — Divergence


With Columbia's help, the Enterprise crew grapples with sabotage to their ship as they pursue the truth behind the kidnapping of Phlox.

Remarkable scenes

  • The zooming scene just after the teaser. Holy wow!
  • The two NX class ships matching course and speed.
  • Watching trip climb from one ship to the other.
  • Trip doing a cold start of the warp reactor.
  • Archer uncovering Reed's connection with Section 31.
  • K'Vagh drinking to the bravery of the four Klingon warriors who volunteered to test the various attempts at a cure.
  • Enterprise and Columbia battling the Klingon ships.
  • Phlox beaming the virus to the attacking Klingons to persuade them to let Phlox cure the virus.


I must say, that's a damn fine resolution of the Klingon Forehead problem. The only remaining question is why do the "shamed" ridgeless Klingons get so powerful in TOS? It's possible that the virus spreads further and since it only can do "stage 1" it alters ridged Klingons for a hundred years and their cosmetic surgery techniques aren't quite up to the task of fixing the problem until post TOS. That would seem to make sense with why all the ridged Klingons in Star Trek I: The Motion Picture have the same ridges and why post Star Trek I: The Motion Picture productions have progressively better ridges... they were perfecting their cosmetic surgery techniques! ;) Still, you've got to wonder why it would take them 100 years to develop them. But then, given how valued doctors are in the Klingon Empire, it's not all that surprising. Aside from resolving the Klingon Forehead Problem, this episode presents a great action episode at the same time. Trip's leap from Columbia to Enterprise was just the kind of innovative stuff that keeps Star Trek exciting. Phlox bending his ethics with the Klingons added further to the episode's intrigue. Finally, letting the Columbia strut her stuff in battle side by side with Enterprise was just great fun to watch. All in all, a nicely successful episode.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x17 — Bound


As a gift for negotiating with the Orion Syndicate, Captain Archer receives three Orion Slave Girls.

Remarkable scenes

  • T'Pol: "They did report one distinctive feature which bears mentioning." Archer: "Which is?" T'Pol: "A species of flying reptiles, some reportedly over 200 meters long. They're also said to breathe fire. There has been lingering questions over the accuracy of this report." A nice reference to TOS: This Side of Paradise.
  • The Orion slave girls putting on a show for Archer and Reed.
  • The various crew's reaction to the Orion women.
  • Enterprise battling Harrad-Sar's ship.
  • Enterprise disabling the grappler on Harrad-Sar's ship.
  • T'Pol: "At least we've learned something about the Orions." Reed: "Yeah, the women are in charge." T'Pol: "It proves that even the most disagreeable species have some positive attributes."


Ent: Bound is a rehash of TOS: Mudd's Women. Here is where Manny Coto's fetish for TOS continuity is starting to get a little over the top. While it was a good idea to give us more information about the Orions, the episode was done in a very immature way. Basically the episode floats around between the men tripping over themselves, the women getting annoyed, and Trip and T'Pol having relationship problems. This episode seemed more to me like a teeny soap opera than an episode of Star Trek. Only the short space battle and the fact that the Orions were aliens made the episode reminiscent of Star Trek. Fortunately, the episode manages to salvage some dignity over similar attempts like Ent: Harbinger (which was actually a better episode, even if less mature) and the dreaded Ent: A Night in Sickbay. For one, the revelation that the Orion women actually control Orion society is an interesting one. This episode also ended the annoying "lets push Trip over to Columbia" mini arc. I had a feeling it was going nowhere... now we know for sure. Finally, the little joke T'Pol made at the end was genuinely funny and a nice homage to TOS when Spock would make similar closing comments at the end of episodes. These details hardly make up for the general immaturity of the episode, but I generally felt somewhere in between liking and hating this episode. It's not very good, but it's not that bad either. Certainly better than most poor episodes of Star Trek.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x18 — In a Mirror, Darkly, Part I


In the mirror universe, Commander Archer mutinies against Captain Forrest in order to capture a future Earth ship found in Tholian space.

Remarkable scenes

  • The teaser with Zefram Cochrane shooting the Vulcans who made first contact with Earth, then stealing their ship... hah!
  • Oh my, the opening credits! Didn't see that coming.
  • The torture scene in the beginning.
  • Archer taking over Enterprise.
  • Finally seeing a Tholian!
  • Phlox gradually decreasing the temperature in the Tholian's airlock.
  • Archer briefing the senior staff about the Earth ship from 100 years in the future from the other universe.
  • Cloaked Enterprise arriving at the Defiant.
  • Phlox: "Will you kindly die!" Ah, the best Phlox quote ever.
  • The Tholian ships deploying their web and attacking Enterprise.
  • Archer activating the Defiant.
  • Enterprise being destroyed by the Tholians.


Continuity Coto writes his masterpiece. This episode is a sequel to TOS: The Tholian Web. In that episode, the USS Defiant disappeared, never to be seen again. Now we know where it went... the mirror universe, during the Enterprise era! Aside from this marvelous detail, there are numerous others to redeem it. First of all, a common complaint about DS9 was that it consistently abused the mirror universe. This episode presents the mirror universe exactly faithful to how TOS does, finally. All things from Cochrane firing on the Vulcans during first contact, to the personalities of the characters aboard the ISS Enterprise, to the command structure about the ISS Enterprise were spot on. Additionally, bringing in TOS technology from the regular universe in the form of a sequel to TOS: The Tholian Web was just brilliant. We know that the Terran Empire conquered much of the alpha quadrant by the time of TOS: Mirror, Mirror. We also know humans started off inferior to most of the species they conquered. If Archer successfully captures this TOS vessel of the future, it can explain how humanity became so powerful! Another nice touch was being able to see an actual Tholian. We got a crude drawing of one in TOS, but we never actually got see any. The Tholian presented in this episode is perfectly faithful to the TOS drawing, whilst expanding on it creatively. Another wonderful detail is the use of the Tholian Web itself. When the Tholians deployed their web on Kirk's Enterprise, it took hours to complete. In this episode it takes mere seconds. You might first assume this is a technical problem, but if you notice in this episode, the Tholians have an entire fleet deploying the web. We can infer that the more ships working on the web, the faster it gets deployed. Finally, the opening credits of this episode are a great touch as well. Long have fans complained about the opening theme, claiming it'd be better as an orchestral version. The opening theme presented in this episode is kind of making fun of all the fan criticism, whilst being totally appropriate at the same time! Coto has really outdone himself here. This episode is absolutely hilarious, the writing is wonderfully careful, the special effects are marvelous, and the acting is superb. Bravo!

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x19 — In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II


In the mirror universe, Archer commandeers the 23rd-century Defiant from the Tholians and uses it in a nefarious power grab.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer and crew stealing the Defiant.
  • Archer sporting a TOS style captain's uniform.
  • Archer and Hoshi discussing the Federation and their alter egos' personal biographies.
  • Archer defeating the Gorn.
  • Phlox regarding Earth's literature: "I skimmed a few of the more celebrated narratives. The stories were similar in some respects but their characters were weak and compassionate. With the exception of Shakespeare, of course. From what I could tell his plays were equally grim in both universes."
  • The Defiant crushing a rebellion.
  • Archer executing Admiral Black.
  • T'Pol and Soval persuading Phlox to join their rebellion.
  • T'Pol to Hoshi: "I'm surprised you're not exhausted from all the beds you've jumped into recently!"
  • The Avenger battling the Defiant.
  • The Defiant destroying the Avenger.
  • Hoshi poisoning Archer.
  • Hoshi: "You're speaking with Empress Sato. Prepare to receive instructions."


Part II is every bit as good as part I. In this episode, we get to see the Defiant strut its stuff with Archer loving every minute of it. He obviously has issues with anger and paranoia, as well self doubt which manifests itself as regular-universe Archer constantly taunting him, which was a nice touch. All the characters act as you would expect them to, with the aliens forming a rebellion on the Avenger, only to be destroyed, and Archer getting rid of anyone he even remotely sees as a threat. A possible deficiency is the Gorn stuff. We got a nice mention of the Gorn in Ent: Bound, but fans have been asking to actually see another Gorn for a while now. The usage was appropriate here, but in some ways it felt more like filler. I felt that the whole Gorn sequence was obtrusive and that it should have either been elaborated more or not done at all. The CGI Gorn was extremely well done though. The updated Gorn reminded me a lot of the Skaarans from Farscape. Now, I might have struck a point for the Gorn sequence if it had really wasted time, but it didn't. The episode's pace was sufficient that the ending was still amazing. Empress Hoshi Sato schemes her way to the top! I didn't see that one coming at all, and I wholeheartedly enjoyed it. She reminded me of Persis from the Augments arc. She did the very same thing, but eventually she stood up for what was right and died because of it... not Hoshi! Immoral and corrupt all the way, and it allows her to rise to the top! How viciously nasty! It should be noted that the fan reaction to this two parter has been mixed. Yes, these two episodes waste a great deal of time that could be otherwise spent on more relevant episodes; none of the events of these two episodes actually even take place in the real universe! Yes, I too found it somewhat annoying that Enterprise is squandered what little time it had left. But Ent: In a Mirror, Darkly was just so well written and so entertaining that I simply couldn't strike points from it due to timing and circumstance. The episode probably would have made more sense in season 1 or 2, but better late than never.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x20 — Demons


A xenophobic faction of humanity threatens to undermine talks to form a new coalition of planets.

Remarkable scenes

  • Samuels: "With this Coalition of Planets we seek to strengthen our bonds of friendship, render permanent the peace that now exists among us for the ongoing exploration of our galaxy. Let us dedicate ourselves to these worthy goals so that future generations can look back upon this moment with pride and eternal gratitude."
  • Samuels regarding the universal translator: "They are extremely precise. Though when I'm listening to the Tellarite Ambassador I wish they were a little less precise."
  • The revelation that the child was somehow T'Pol's and Trip's.
  • Reed contacting Section 31.
  • Paxton and Greaves watching an historic Colonel Green speech.
  • Trip meeting with Greaves, then attending the Terra Prime meeting.
  • Trip and T'Pol being captured.
  • The moon mining facility taking off.
  • The lunar colony going to warp, arriving at Mars, and landing on it.
  • Paxton firing on the Moon.


This episode is nothing special, but not bad at the same time. It picks up on the xenophobia that humanity faces which first flared up in Ent: Home. I'm glad they're going somewhere with this, but I was hoping it wouldn't be taken in the direction of a KKK of the future. Unfortunately, this is exactly what Paxton represents. His racism is blatantly impractical and he's clearly a madman, just like the Colonel Green from 100 years before he admires so much, or Hitler from 200 years before. Only the minor details of this episode redeem it. For one, it's interesting to get a chance to see the Luna colony. I also enjoyed the special effects with the colony lifting off and traveling to Mars. Good stuff there. The most appealing aspect of this episode was the seeming preliminary talks regarding the formation of the Federation. Otherwise, the motives and intent of the antagonist remain unclear, and it's hard to give the episode much more than an average rating. On a side note, Travis gets lots of lines! It's a shame the small part of the story he was conceded was so full of cliche though...

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x21 — Terra Prime


A human isolationist leader threatens to destroy Starfleet Command unless all aliens leave Earth immediately.

Remarkable scenes

  • Trip: "Do you really think I'm going to help you turn that array into a weapon?" Paxton: "Do you really think I'm going to give you choice?"
  • Enterprise hitching a ride to Mars using a comet.
  • Archer putting Hoshi in command!
  • Archer, Reed, Phlox, and Travis taking a shuttlepod down to Mars.
  • The sight of the Carl Sagan Memorial Station and the first Mars Rover. Aww, how cute. :)
  • T'Pol: "Tagart syndrome. Since you obviously didn't die by age twenty, you're receiving treatment. Rigelian gene therapy?" Paxton: "You're not a doctor." T'Pol: "They very thing you're warning humans to avoid is what's keeping you alive. Alien knowledge, freely shared. You're not only a terrorist, you're a hypocrite." Paxton: "This is not the time for timidity and second guessing. We cannot afford to doubt ourselves." T'Pol: "Colonel Green also said to be human is to be pure. Under his rule you would have been euthanized for having a genetic disorder. I'm not the first significant leader who failed to measure up to his own ideals."
  • T'Pol revealing that she had named her dying baby Elizabeth, after Trip's sister.
  • Masaro killing himself in front of Archer.
  • Phlox' speech about how Enterprise has become his family and how he desperately wishes for Archer to make something good come from this.
  • Archer: "Up until about a hundred years ago, there was one question that burned in every human, that made us study the stars and dream of traveling to them. Are we alone? Our generation is privileged to know the answer to that question. We are all explorers, driven to know what's over the horizon, what's beyond our own shores. And yet, the more I've experienced, the more I've learned that no matter how far we travel, or how fast we get there, the most profound discoveries are not necessarily beyond that next star. They're within us, woven into the threads that bind us, all of us, to each other. A final frontier begins in this hall. Let's explore it together."


The sequel to Ent: Demons impressed me. Coto didn't do such a good job setting up the premise of Ent: Demons to be very interesting, but where he went with it in Ent: Terra Prime was downright moving and would have made a fitting end to the series. Many fans actually consider this episode to be the end of Enterprise because they hate the next one so much, they refuse to believe it's canon. But discussions about the next episode should be held off until my next review. The story shows the almost tragic downfall of Paxton, who's true nature is revealed. He's another Hitler who never had a chance to do any real damage, except of course, to Trip and T'Pol. With regards to them, their relationship has finally shown real progress, something that is much appreciated. I loved how even Phlox broke down when the baby died. The emotion in this episode was well played and totally appropriate. Giving Hoshi command of Enterprise while Archer led the rescue team was also a nice touch. Imagine the frightened little girl that she was in Ent: Fight or Flight taking this kind of responsibility. The scenes on Mars were visually spectacular and the comet ride getting there was even moreso. While in reality this episode isn't much more than your average action episode, the emotional scenes at the end depicting how the alien crew has all become one family is what made me like the episode so much. It's Star Trek at its best.

Star Trek: Enterprise — 4x22 — These Are the Voyages...


Six years in the future, an emotional Captain Archer and the crew return to Earth to face the decommission of Enterprise and signing of the Federation charter.

Remarkable scenes

  • The CG Enterprise-D. Wow!
  • Troi: "How could Archer survive without a fish tank?"
  • Trip: "Been a hell of a run, Malcolm. I never thought it would come to an end." Reed: "All good things..."
  • Talla: "Thanks, pinkskin."
  • CG Enterprise entering CG asteroid field.
  • The (pure voice) Data cameo.
  • Phlox discussing with Riker-Chef the time during Ent: The Forgotten when he had to haggle with Trip regarding the hours of sleep he was being forced to "endure."
  • Archer: "Here's to the next generation."
  • Trip just before he sacrificed himself to save Archer and the ship: "There's just one other thing I need to tell you. You can all go straight to hell."
  • Phlox doing another super smile.
  • With images of the 3 Enterprises... Picard: "Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission--" Kirk: "To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations." Archer: "To boldly go where no man has gone before."


In interviews before this episode was aired, Rick Berman said, "One of the reasons we did it is we wanted to say kind of a 'thank you' to people who watched not only Enterprise but some of the other shows." Brannon Braga was also interviewed about the episode and referred to it as a "valentine to all of Star Trek." This is not a valentine, it's an insult. Even Jolene Blalock (T'Pol) referred to the episode as "appalling" before it aired; I couldn't agree more. First of all, this episode spends about one third of its time focusing directly on Riker and/or Troi in an episode that's supposed to send off Enterprise. As if that weren't bad enough, the whole justification for the TNG cameo was shoddy. TNG: The Pegasus wasn't the most spectacular episode ever written, but it was solid, and didn't need a coda. Aside from that, even the Enterprise-specific writing was annoying. Take Trip and T'Pol's relationship for example. In Ent: Terra Prime, there was hinting that their relationship would finally go somewhere. But here we are 6 years later. Did it? Nope! Sorry! And if that weren't bad enough, proverbially they kick a man when he's down by abruptly killing Trip for absolutely no reason. He gets a shamefully unceremonious death all so Riker can learn some half assed lesson about not keeping secrets from Picard, which annoyingly stole the focus from the show so much so that we don't even get to hear Archer's speech during the signing of the Federation charter. Now, I don't know about you, but I found the whole idea of Enterprise being decommissioned and the Federation being founded a lot more interesting than Riker's edutainment. Troi even says Federation citizens must memorize the speech. But it's not important enough for us to hear it here? Then there's that space the final frontier line... why exclude Sisko and Janeway? Because their ships weren't named Enterprise? Why not just let Archer do the line himself? The line tried to be touching, but came off as just as offensive as the rest of the episode. And there you have it... the worst finale a Star Trek series has ever had. Now, don't get me wrong. The basic idea of the episode wasn't too bad. I think the idea of bringing the TNG crew into a holographic NX-01 was a pretty damn good idea. It would have made a really great stand alone episode, perhaps even set on Riker's new ship the Titan! But not as the finale. And I dare say, my biggest disappointment with Enterprise's cancellation and rushed finale is that we never, ever got a sufficient prequel regarding the Earth-Romulan war and the start of the war with the Klingons, which, I dare say, was the whole goddamn point of this show. The Earth-Romulan war did supposedly occur in the interim 6 years, but there's not even a single mention of it in this episode. A glaring omission. In the end, Enterprise was a great series with a great deal of potential (especially after Manny Coto took over as showrunner) that was killed off prematurely. And the sad thing is, thanks to this episode, it'll never be revived and ended properly like TOS was. It's an enormous shame that the last episode of Star Trek after an amazing 18 year uninterrupted run closes the incredible series on such a lackluster note.