Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Enterprise — 3x08 — Twilight


A spatial distortion leaves Archer unable to form any new long-term memories. Years in the future, he wakes up one morning and is stunned to learn the outcome of the human-Xindi conflict.

Remarkable scenes

  • The teaser, depicting the sight of Earth's destruction... wow.
  • Archer: "I suppose there's not much point in thanking me. A few hours from now I won't remember."
  • The Xindi attacking Enterprise. I loved the scene when Archer fought the reptilian in his quarters, stabbing him with the statue of Zefram Cochrone.
  • T'Pol's collision course maneuver.
  • Trip laying into T'Pol for her collision course maneuver.
  • Trip and Reed interrogating the Yridian. Nice connection with TNG and DS9.
  • The space battle with the Xindi.
  • The bridge of Enterprise being destroyed.
  • Phlox' and T'Pol's death.
  • The destruction of Enterprise.
  • Phlox: "How do you feel?" Archer: "Like a shuttlepod landed on my head."


This episode is kind of a hybrid of TNG: All Good Things, DS9: The Visitor, and Voy: Before and After. There's a little Voy: Year of Hell in there too, regarding Archer's sacrifice. Yes, the episode is a conceptual rehash, but easily forgiven. I'd say episodes like this are less a rehash and more a tradition. Besides, the four episodes I previously mentioned were all spectacular, two of them even receiving a rating of ten. Well, one thing's for sure. T'Pol and Trip sure made bad captains! T'Pol permanently wrecks a warp nacelle and Trip gets the ship destroyed! Gold star! ;) We've seen Earth in jeopardy many times, even destroyed offscreen. But we've never seen Earth downright explode in an episode before. An interesting stunt to pull. Additionally, I was fascinated to see the bridge of Enterprise shot off during this episode, much the same way the viewscreen of the Enterprise E was blown out and the bridge was exposed to space in Star Trek X: Nemesis. Indeed, this episode features a myriad of wonderful visual effects. Aside from that, an obvious discussion point about this episode concerns the Archer / T'Pol relationship. We know, painfully, from Ent: A Night in Sickbay how much Archer is attracted to her, but this episode presents the information much more tastefully. Their relationship isn't elaborated a great deal though. It's hard to get someone to fall in love with you if they can't form any new long term memories. My one complaint about this episode is that it doesn't end the way DS9: The Visitor does in the sense that Archer did not retain a memory of the events. If he had, this episode could have easily been worth ten points.