Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Enterprise — 3x07 — The Shipment


Archer, Reed and Major Hayes infiltrate a Xindi-Sloth industrial colony to learn more about the weapon of mass destruction that will be used against Earth.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer, Reed, and Hayes eavesdropping on the Xindi in their own lab.
  • Archer, Reed, and Hayes forcing their way into Gralik's home.
  • Archer interrogating Gralik.
  • Trip and Phlox examining the Xindi weapon.
  • Gralik and Archer finding some common ground and Gralik telling Archer a bit about the history of the Xindi and their conflicts.
  • Gralik: "I'm proud of my craft, captain. I've practiced it for many years. I won't let my work be corrupted in this way. Seven million people. if I'd chosen my clients more carefully that tragedy might not have happened. I don't intend to let it happen again."
  • Trip frantically running to the transporter to beam the weapon off the ship.
  • Gralik freaking out at the Xindi reptilian.


This episode was progress of exactly the type that I was hoping for. Obviously with the level of disunity among the Xindi, there are going to be those that either don't agree with a preemtive strike against an unknown species based on questionable intelligence, or at least don't agree with how its being handled. In this episode, Archer meets a Xindi who doesn't want to see his work used to murder innocent people. I complained about Archer's bad attitude before. In this episode, it's Reed and Major Hayes that annoy me. They're quick to offer their opinions, claiming that blowing up the Xindi colony is what Archer must do. Instead, Archer keeps a cool head and makes a Xindi friend. After all, Archer's absolutely right their mission is to stop the Xindi weapon from destroying Earth and/or make peace with the Xindi. Not to start a war.