Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Enterprise — 3x06 — Exile


A powerful telepath makes contact with Hoshi and offers to help Enterprise find the Xindi ... for a price.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer: "Did you bring a phase pistol?" Hoshi: "I'll keep it under my pillow."
  • Tarquin the describing the circumstances of his exile.
  • Archer's water polo ball getting stuck to the wall due to an anomaly.
  • Anomalies occurring throughout the ship.
  • Hoshi using Tarquin's telepathy device. Holy stock footage batman!
  • Tarquin: "No one will ever understand you the way I can."
  • Archer and Trip almost losing shuttlepod one. Hilarious.
  • T'Pol discovering that there are dozens of spheres.


Ah, my thoughts exactly. I was wondering if they'd ever use the Trellium they found on a shuttlepod and just order T'Pol to keep away. ;) Speaking of that shuttle, the scene when Archer and Trip almost lost it was just too cute. One of the more memorable things I've seen on Star Trek lately. Unfortunately, we have another case where the A plot isn't very interesting. Linda Park did a wonderful job playing Hoshi in this episode, just like Jolene Blalock did a great job playing her dreadful role in Ent: Impulse just one episode ago. But good acting doesn't save poor writing. Tarquin was an interesting alien, but his ulterior motive and his attempt to force Hoshi to stay with him was just petty. The whole plot just reeked of "Beauty and the Best" in space too. We get a good deal of progress though, such as more information on the spheres, and the location of a Xindi colony. Hopefully the future of this arc holds less filler and more getting to the point.