Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Enterprise — 3x17 — Hatchery


Archer goes to extreme lengths to save an abandoned nest of Xindi-Insectoid eggs ready to hatch.

Remarkable scenes

  • The crew exploring the insectoid ship.
  • Reed and Hayes hauling the insectoid shuttle back to Enterprise.
  • Trip and Travis trying to figure out the insectoid shuttle.
  • T'Pol disobeying Archer's orders.
  • Enterprise destroying the Xindi insectoid ship.
  • Archer relieving Reed.
  • The mutiny.
  • Archer letting baby insectoids crawl around on him.
  • Trip shooting Archer.


This episode is a missed opportunity to show something really profound. Instead of having Archer take a general interest in the welfare of these infant insectoids, a mind control story is fed to us instead, as if caring for these infant Xindi is unquestionably stupid. I found that notion offensive, and slightly disturbing. My only comfort is that Trip begins to see Archer's point even if he doesn't agree with it. He only starts to get a little nervous when Archer starts doing truly irrational things. The mutiny was well presented, but again, it would have carried more weight if Archer wasn't under the weather. Instead, the personal conflicts that could have arose were extinguished before they began. Even Reed and Hayes began to settle their differences in this episode. I guess the writers just didn't want to repeat Ent: Harbinger. Maybe they thank keeping the crew unified in their struggle against the Xindi makes for better episodes or something... I don't agree. The episode was otherwise successful though. Enterprise stole an insectoid shuttle! And the space battle was quite something, even if short. Not bad.