Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Enterprise — 3x16 — Doctor's Orders


The fate of Enterprise is in Dr. Phlox's hands as the rest of the crew must be induced into a coma in order to survive a trans-dimensional disturbance.

Remarkable scenes

  • Phlox seeing a Xindi insectoid.
  • Phlox: "I'm a physician, not an engineer!" Count 36 for "I'm a doctor, not a (blah)" style lines, which McCoy was famous for.
  • Phlox realizing that his T'Pol was an hallucination.


This episode is blatant rehash of Voy: One, and a combination of the bad elements of other episodes. First of all, Phlox' the hallucinations were just as boring as Hoshi's dream in Ent: Vanishing Point. It was all too obvious that he wasn't himself and that nothing bad actually was happening to the ship. The rest of the episode is comprised of elements from Ent: Dear Doctor and Ent: A Night in Sickbay. Suffice it to say, bad combinations. I was glad that this episode contributed to the "I'm a doctor, not a..." running joke, and John Billingsley is a remarkable actor. But the writing for this particular bottle show as unbelievably boring, perhaps moreso than any other Enterprise episode.