Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Enterprise — 3x14 — Stratagem


Archer finds himself face-to-face with Degra, the designer of the Xindi superweapon, and tries to trick him into revealing its location.

Remarkable scenes

  • The teaser. One of those "what the hell?" moments. :)
  • The revelation that the whole devastated future story was just a ruse to gain intelligence from Degra... wow!
  • Archer referring to the Xindi insectoids as "overgrown grasshoppers."
  • Archer faking out Degra one last time.


Like Ent: Anomaly, Ent: Stratagem provides sufficient entertainment and nicely advances the Xindi arc. Once again the crew is shown to be clever, using well their limited resources and taking advantage of the circumstances. I'm quite fond of the continuity with the previous episode, Ent: Proving Ground regarding Degra's ship being damaged by the malfunctioning prototype and the fake shuttle rouse was absolutely incredible; and an ingenuous way to rehash the "lets fake out some aliens using the holodeck" idea without actually introducing a holodeck. Indeed, the whole plot was a wonderful way to gain intelligence information from Degra. I was surprised by the originality and I was pleased that the episode didn't turn into another Ent: Twilight, even if it seemed to have shades of Voy: Counterpoint. In short, Ent: Stratagem is another above average episode and a nice contributor to the current arc.